How do you implement a bounded FIFO buffer in C-Linda? Assume the buffer contains integers (to make life a little easier). There are a number of producers and a number of consumer. Assume that the functions consume and produce have already been defined. Now consider the functions consumer and producer. void consumer() { int data; while (1) { data = get(); consume(data); } } void producer() { int data; while (1) { data = produce(); put(data); } } A single consumer and producer can be created as follows. void real_main() { eval("consumer", consumer()); eval("producer", producer()); } How can the above be extended to create multiple consumers and producers? It remains to define the functions get and put. int get() { int data; return data; } void put(int data) { } How should get and put be completed? ---- A try for comment: void down_mutex() { in("mutex", 1); out("mutex", 0); } void up_mutex() { in("mutex", 0); out("mutex", 1); } int get() { int i,j, data; in("full"); down_mutex(); rd("size",?i); in("head",?j); in("buffer",j,?data); j=(j+1)%i; out("head",j); up_mutex(); out("empty") return data; } void put(int data) { int i,j; in("empty"); down_mutex(); rd("size",?i); in("tail",?j) out("buffer",j,?data); j=(j+1)%i; out("tail",j); up_mutex(); out("full"); return; } void consumer() { int data; while (1) { data = get(); consume(data); } } void producer() { int data; while (1) { data = produce(); put(data); } } void real_main() { #define Len 10 #define Run 5 for (int i =0 ; i variation of the same concept #define SEMAPHORE "semaphore" #define PUT_COUNTER "put" #define GET_COUNTER "get" //---------------------- counter API --------------------- void counter_init(char * conterType) { out(conterType,NULL); } int counter_next(char * conterType) { int seq; in(conterType,?seq); out(conterType,++seq); return seq; } //-------------------- semaphore API ----------------- void semaphore_init (int counter) { for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++ ) out(SEMAPHORE); } void semaphore_acquire() { in(SEMAPHORE); } void semaphore_release() { out(SEMAPHORE); } //------------------------------------------------- void put(int data) { semaphore_acquire(); int seq_id = counter_next(PUT_COUNTER); out(seq_id,data); } int get() { int seq_id = counter_next(GET_COUNTER); in(seq_id,?data); semaphore_release(); return data; } void real_main() { semaphore_init(BUFFER_SIZE); counter_init(GET_COUNTER); counter_init(PUT_COUNTER); eval("consumer", consumer()); eval("producer", producer()); } Another variation. #define BUFFERSIZE 200 int get() { int i,j, data; in("head",?i); rd("tail",?j); #wait when the buffer is empty while (i==j) rd("tail",?j); in("buffer",i,?data); i=(i+1)%BUFFERSIZE; out("head",i); return data; } void put(int data) { int i,j; in("tail",?j); rd("head",?i); #wait when the buffer is full while ( j-i==BUFFERSIZE-1 || i-j==1 ) rd("head",?i); j=(j+1)%BUFFERSIZE; out("buffer",j,data); out("tail",j); } Another Version #define SIZE 100 Void Initialize() { out("head", 0); out("tail", 0); } int get() { int head, tail, data; in("head",?head); rd("tail",?tail); while(tail == head) rd("tail",?tail); in("data",?data, head); out("head",(head+1)%SIZE); return data; } void put(int data) { int head,tail; in("tail",?tail); rd("head",?head); while( head == (tail+1)%SIZE ) rd("head",?head); out("data",data, tail); out("tail",(tail+1)%SIZE); } // i1 and i2 are initialized to 0 void put(int data) { int i1, i2; read("consumer", ?i2); in("producer",?i1); if(i1==size)i1=0; while(i1+1==i2 || (i1+1==size && i2==0)) read("consumer",?i2); out("data", data, i1); out("producer", i1+1); } int get() { int i2, data; in("consumer",?i2); if(i2==size)i2=0; in("data",?data,i2); out("consumer", i2+1); return data; }