====== Tips for literature search ====== ===== For Starters ===== ==== General Information ==== * [[http://www.lib.uwaterloo.ca/usered/grad/researchskills/flow_of_info.html|Scientific publication cycle]] * Kinds of documents: * **patents**: government granted license to an invention * **standards**: agreed upon methodology: e.g. 802.11 * **journals**: research results presented in a periodical/magazine * **conference proceedings**: research results presented at a meeting (most conferences in CS are peer-reviewed) * **technical report**: description of a solution to a specific problem * **books** * reference: encyclopedias, tables, data collections, properties * manuals: lab methods, programming languages, operating systems * monographs: general topics * **technical specifications**: how a device or component works, e.g. circuit diagrams * **code library**: database of source code listings or linkable subroutines * Peer review: researchers validating each others work before publication * [[http://www.yorku.ca/tutorial/academic_integrity/?g11n.enc=UTF-8|Academic Integrity & Plagiarism]] web site * //If you are not sure how to get started on your project, come to Steacie// ==== Free Citation Management Software ==== * [[http://refworks.scholarsportal.info/Refworks/login.asp?WNCLang=false|RefWorks]] can help you manage your footnotes & bibliography on the web. Easy to use, interfaces directly with work to create footnotes & bibliographies. If logging in from home, you need to use RWYorku group code. * Library [[http://www.library.yorku.ca/ccm/Home/ResearchAndInstruction/citationmgmt/index.en|Footnotes, Bibliographies, RefWorks]] page, [[http://citationmachine.net/|Landmark Citation Machine]]. ==== Logging in from Home ==== * Need to use Passport York login or bar code number & PIN from library card to authenticate as a York user. * Information [[http://www.library.yorku.ca/ccm/Home/eResources/RemoteAccess.htm|here]] on logging in. * Remember: need to type in name of eresource using "by title" link after logging in. ===== Finding Resources at the Library ===== ==== Finding Books & Journals ==== * Do a search in [[http://www.library.yorku.ca|The York Catalogue]]: * by title: Concurrent programming in Java : design principles and patterns * by author: Bjarne Stroustrup * by journal title: journal of the acm * by subject: Java * by subject: concurrent programming, parallel programming, parallel processing * by keyword: concurrent and programming and java ==== Finding Articles ==== These online databases can also be found in the [[http://www.library.yorku.ca|eResources Quick Links or Search]] boxes on the library home page. === Article Citation Databases === * [[http://www.library.yorku.ca/eresolver/?id=59857|INSPEC]] - best source for citations in all computing fields, best for comprehensive searches * concurrent and aerospace and programming * concurrent and locking and java * [[http://www.library.yorku.ca/eresolver/?id=437|Web of Science]] - very good coverage of all major computing journals, good for citation searches * concurrent and locking and java * [[http://portal.acm.org/guide.cfm?coll=portal&dl=GUIDE&CFID=15590639&CFTOKEN=82226420|ACM Guide to Computing Literature]] - another one focusing on computing * **Very important:** look in full text article databases for conference proceedings: * IEEE, ACM or Lecture Notes in Computer Science: look in DBs below * SPIE: keyword search in catalogue: SPIE and proceeding # * Other: keyword search with part of title * Last resort: 50-75% of conference papers usually on author's home pages === Full Text Article Databases === * [[http://www.library.yorku.ca/eresolver/?id=19|ACM Digital Library]] - best resource: all ACM journals & proceedings * [[http://www.library.yorku.ca/eresolver/?id=435|IEEE Xplore]] - all IEEE journals & proceedings, more engineering than CS * [[http://www.library.yorku.ca/eresolver/?id=51140|Lecture Notes in Computer Science]] - source of articles from various conference proceedings, find citations from Web of Science === Online Computer Books === * [[http://www.library.yorku.ca/eresolver/?id=59380|Safari]] - over 200 online computer/technical books on a wide range of subjects * [[http://www.library.yorku.ca/eresolver/?id=983537|Synthesis]] - amazing collection of CS & Engineering ebooks, more advanced topics ===== Using Resources on the Internet ===== Use the Internet wisely. * Using [[http://www.google.com|Google]] as a scholarly research tool: * example: concurrent programming * example: concurrent programming locking * example: concurrent programming locking algorithm * example: concurrent programming locking algorithm java * strategy: find good portal sites * strategy: make sure you know exactly who produced the content * [[http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/|DBLP]] - good CS index of free web & many conferences & journals * [[http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu|Citeseer]] - indexes the free web but a bit out of date * [[http://arxiv.org/corr/home|Computing Research Repository]] (CoRR) - eprints and other online papers * [[http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/index.html|Collection of Computer Science bibliographies]] * [[http://scholar.google.com|Google Scholar]] -- good tool, but a bit unreliable while in Beta release. Generally quite good for CS, especially to find conference papers not in any of the databases we subscribe to. * and others [[http://www.yorku.ca/yul/cse/?p=32|Blog post]] version of this page. ===== Librarian Contact Information ===== * Office: Steacie 102H * Email: [[mailto:jdupuis@yorku.ca|jdupuis@yorku.ca]] * MSN IM: john_dupuis@hotmail.com