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assignments:a1 [2007/10/11 23:59] yfengassignments:a1 [2007/10/21 14:36] franck
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 As the audience of your report, consider your fellow students in the course. As the audience of your report, consider your fellow students in the course.
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    * Mark Shtern:\\ Steve Heller, Maurice Herlihy, Victor Luchangco, Mark Moir, William N. Scherer and Nir Shavit [[|A Lazy Concurrent List-Based Set Algorithm]]. In //Proceedings of the 9th International Conference On Principles Of Distributed Systems,// volume 3974 of //Lecture Notes in Computer Science//, pages 3-16, Pisa, Italy, December 2005. Springer-Verlag.    * Mark Shtern:\\ Steve Heller, Maurice Herlihy, Victor Luchangco, Mark Moir, William N. Scherer and Nir Shavit [[|A Lazy Concurrent List-Based Set Algorithm]]. In //Proceedings of the 9th International Conference On Principles Of Distributed Systems,// volume 3974 of //Lecture Notes in Computer Science//, pages 3-16, Pisa, Italy, December 2005. Springer-Verlag.
-   * Yi Feng:\\ Ori ShalevNir Shavit.[[|Split-ordered lists: Lock-free extensible hash tables]]. In //Journal of the ACM (JACM)//,  Volume 53 Issue 3, Pages: 379 - 405, May 2006    +   * Yi Feng:\\ Ori Shalev and Nir Shavit.[[|Split-ordered lists: Lock-free extensible hash tables]]. //Journal of the ACM//, 53(3):379-405, May 2006
 +   * Pourya Jafari:\\ Jehoshua Bruck, Ching-Tien Ho, Shlomo Kipnis, Shlomo Kipnis and Derrick Weathersby. [[|Efficient Algorithms for All-to-All Communications in Multiport Message-Passing Systems ]]. //IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems//, 8(11):1143 - 1156, November 1997.
assignments/a1.txt · Last modified: 2007/10/24 12:41 by franck

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