====== CGI ====== This lecture covers the Common Gateway Interface protocol. This includes the protocol itself, how to build CGI handlers in a variety of languages, and issues relating to reliability, efficiency, and session management. ===== Outline ===== * The web server and the CGI handler in //four// steps: detection/launch, impersonation, environment vars, and I/O. * CGI handlers in shell script, C, and Java * Processes and threads, reliability, and efficiency * CGI handlers in Perl * Server-side scripting in PHP * Session management and tracking ===== To Do ===== * Do [[http://www.cse.yorku.ca/~roumani/warp/labs/lab2.htm|Lab-2]]. Use the //Discussion Group// if you encounter problems. * As you learn Perl or PHP from a book or from one of the resources in the //Resources// pages, add a contribution to the corresponding //Our Own Wiki// page (under //Resources//). You are asked to add one, and only one, section that captures one idea. Start it with a header title.