====== Resources ======
* SPIM Simulator - For all platforms, see [[http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~larus/spim.html|this]] site.
* [[http://bleyer.org/icarus/|Icarus: the Verilog Compiler for Windows]]. Download version 0.9.1 (use the setup.exe provided) and install to c:\iverilog, ensure that the path variable is modified, since you will be running it from a DOS shell. To download this software for other platforms, see [[http://icarus.com/eda/verilog|this]] site.
* [[http://www.crimsoneditor.com/|Crimson: a MIPS / Verilog-aware editor for Windows]].
* {{mipsgreencard.pdf|MIPS Green Card}}
* {{sysCalls.pdf|SPIM System Calls}}
* **Names of Powers of Two:** kilo = 210, mega = 220, giga = 230, tera = 240, peta = 250, exa = 260.