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Frequently Asked Questions


FAQ about Assignment 2 and 3

Question 1: We are planning to add a certain additional functionality X to our program for the Assignment. Is adding the additional functionality X allowed?

Answer to Question 1:

In Section G, Note, of the Assignment 2 description document, it is stated that,

“Please note that the requirements specified in section A. Description of the Problem 1-7 above, are the minimum requirements that must be satisfied by your program. Obviously, there are many other possible details of the RTSPD system that have been left unspecified. It is your responsibility to make appropriate design and implementation choices concerning the unspecified details of the RTSPD system, and justify those decisions in your report.”

Any decision to add any particular additional functionality X to your program should be guided by the principles in Section G, Note, of the Assignment 2 description document above.

The marker will judge whether you have made appropriate design and implementation choices or not in adding the particular additional functionality X; and whether your justification of what you have chosen to do and the particular ways you have chosen to do it are valid or not.

Question 2: How can I learn about makefiles?

Answer to Question 2: Just do a Google search using the key words “makefile” or “makefile tutorial”, and many tutorials or reference manuals can be found, for example:

- a brief introduction to some of the most basic features of makefiles:

- a tutorial on some of the most basic features of makefiles:

- a complete reference manual on the gnu make utility:
faq.1242175299.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/05/13 00:41 by jxu

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