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start [2008/08/30 17:28] jxustart [2009/03/13 20:09] jxu
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 ~~NOTOC~~ ~~NOTOC~~
-====== CSE4221.03/CSE5421.03 Operating System Design  ======+====== CSE3221 3.0Z Operating System Design  ======
 ===== Description  ===== ===== Description  =====
-This course studies various aspects of the design and implementation of operating systems.   +This course is intended to teach students the fundamental concepts that underlie operating systems, including multiprogramming, concurrent processes, CPU scheduling, deadlocks, memory management, file systems, protection and securityMany examples from real systems are given to illustrate the application of particular concepts. At the end of this coursea student will be able to understand the principles and techniques required for understanding and designing operating systems.
-A solid background in operating systems concepts, computer architecture, C, and UNIX is expected.+
 ===== Lecture Times ===== ===== Lecture Times =====
-  * Section AMondays and Wednesdays17:30 - 19:00, CB 120+  * Section ZTuesdays and Thursdays14:30 - 16:00, VH 1152A (Please note that the class room has changed - starting from Tuesday March 17, 2009, lectures will be held in VH 1152A (instead of PSE 321).)
start.txt · Last modified: 2009/09/14 16:36 by jxu

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