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Course Announcements

September 9, 2009

Start of classes.

Lecture notes for the next few classes will be posted in the CSE3221 course directory on red: /cs/course/3221

A list of suggested topics for CSE3221 Assignment 1 has been posted in the CSE3221 course directory on red in the file: /cs/course/3221/3221_topics

Topics are “First-Come-First-Served”. After organizing a group with the required number of students, each group may send by e-mail to the instructor the list of the student names in the group, and reserve one of the topics below. If your group is the first to reserve a topic, the names of the students in the group will be appear below the topic title.

September 16, 2009

Please note that starting from Wednesday September 16, the lecture room for CSE3221 Fall 2009 will be changed from PSE321 to Vari Hall VH 1152A.

September 30, 2009

CSE3221 Fall 2009 Assignment 2 has been posted in the course directory. The Due Date is Monday, November 2, 2009, 16:30. For Assignment 2, students may either work alone, or work in groups of at most two students.

October 19, 2009

The CSE 3221 section A Midterm Test will be held on:

Time: Monday October 26, 2009, 17:30-19:00

Location: Vari Hall Room VH 1152A (The same room that is used for regular lectures.)

The Midterm Test will cover the following:

a) Chapters 1-5, and Sections 6.1-6.5.2 (up to and including the section on Semaphores - Implementation) of Chapter 6 of the textbook “Operating System Concepts” 8th Edition.

b) The slides OS_ch1.pdf, OS_ch2.pdf, OS_ch3.pdf, OS_ch4.pdf, OS_ch5.pdf, the slides 6.1-6.19 of OS_ch6.pdf, (up to and including the slide on Semaphore as General Synchronization Tool) - as well as all the material covered in the lectures up to and including the Wednesday Oct. 21, 2009 lecture.

It is possible that the Midterm Test may include true/false questions, questions that require short answers, questions that require calculations, questions that may require the drawing of diagrams, questions that require slightly longer answers, questions that may require the writing of short programs using pseudo C code similar to that used throughout the textbook, and other possible question formats.

- Please note that, in order to make sure that everyone in the class gets exactly the same information regarding the midterm and final exam, the instructor will not answer individual e-mail questions regarding what will be on and what will not be on the midterm and final exam, because that would not be fair to those students who do not receive such information. - If you have any questions related to the midterm or final exam, please ask such questions during the lectures.

October 30, 2009

The due date for CSE3221 Assignment 2 has been extended to Wednesday November 4, 16:30. Assignments that are handed in after Wednesday November 4, 16:30, but on or before Monday November 9, 16:30, will be subject to a 1 grade point penalty (e.g., B reduced to C+); Assignments that are handed in after Monday November 9, 16:30, but on or before Wednesday November 11, 16:30, will be subject to a 2 grade point penalty (e.g., B reduced to C); No assignments will be accepted after Wednesday November 11, 16:30.

whats_new.1256919063.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/10/30 16:11 by jxu

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