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What's New

  • [16 Sep] Phase 1 of the project has been released. See SVN:Project:CSE4312-F09-Project.pdf.
  • [Oct 30] Phase 2 of the project has been released. See section 4 and onwards of SVN:Project:CSE4312-F09-Project.pdf. Make sure you have version 0.31.
  • [Nov 24] Phase 3 of the project has been released. See sections 6 and 7 (pages 20-23) of the latest version of SVN:Project:CSE4312-F09-Project.pdf. You will be required to make an appointment to meet with the TA to demonstrate that your code satisfies the user requirements. Please read the instructions carefully so that you are prepared for the meeting. The current dates for meeting with TA are set for Dec. 18th and 19th. The TA will be available during the class of Dec 3rd in the SEL (4-6pm); please attend that class and ensure that your team obtains a slot of time for the evalulation.
whats_new.1259087461.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/11/24 18:31 by jonathan