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Ongoing projects

Low-Cost Three-Dimensional Face Scanning System

Supervisor: James Elder

Requirements: Interest in both hardware and software design at the systems level.


Low-cost three-dimensional face-scanning systems have a large range of potential applications in security and retail markets. Our laboratory at York University has recently developed a prototype face-scanning system that has the potential for very low-cost mass production. This project involves the development of a second-stage prototype that is one-step closer to commercialization.

The project will involve systems design and development of a specialized real-time 3D face scanner. A combination of hardware and software design will be required. The student will work closely with graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at York University, as well as researchers at other institutions involved in the project. The student will develop skills in both hardware and software design, as well as computer-vision techniques.

For more information on the laboratory:

Programming Multi-Core GPUs with CUDA

Supervisor: Franck van Breugel

Required background: General prerequisites

Recommended background: N/A


CUDA stands for “compute unified device architecture.” It is an architecture to program multicore graphical processing units (GPUs for short). In the past, these GPUs were only used for graphics. However, CUDA allows us to use these GPUs for other types of computation. Since today's GPUs have hundreds of cores, algorithms can be parallelized and, hence, run often much faster.

The aim of this project is to get familiar with GPUs and to study how to program them.

More details can be found at: (this link is only accessible from machines within the domain

ongoing.1272915301.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/05/03 19:35 by bil