====== Fortran and Scientific Computing ======
Winter 2010
===== Description =====
This course presents a structured approach to computer based problem solving in a variety of scientific and engineering settings. It introduces the FORTRAN programming language and its interface with scientific libraries. Applications are drawn from scientific and engineering areas such as numerical methods, processing experimental data, simulation and data visualization.
===== Instructor & Office Hours=====
* Professor: Hamzeh Roumani -- [[http://www.cse.yorku.ca/~roumani|Home Page]]
* Email Filter: The string ''CSE2501/X'' in the Subject field, where ''X'' is your username on ''red@cse''.
* Meets: 11:30-13:00 on Mondays either in BC 215 or in the PRISM Lab (CSEB 1002). See the //Calendar// page to know the venue for each Monday in the term.
* First meet: Mon Jan 4 in BC 215
* Office Hours: Mondays 14:30-15:30
===== Teaching Assistant=====
* Ossama, email: ossama (add ''@cse.yorku.ca'')
===== Textbooks =====
There is no required textbook for the course. Here are some
- [[http://www.cse.yorku.ca/~roumani/fortran|The Fortran @York site]].
- A FORTRAN Primer, by: E. Templeton, J. McConnel and A. Stauffer, McGraw-Hill (1988)
- FORTRAN 77 for Engineers and Scientists, by: Nyhoff and Leestma, Prentice-Hall (1992)
- FORTRAN, by: Koffman & Friedman, Addison-Wesley (1997)
- FORTRAN 77 with 90, by: R. Reddy and C. Ziegler, WEST publishing Company (1994)
- FORTRAN for Today & Tomorrow, by: M. Pressman, Wm.C.Brown Communications (1993)
- FORTRAN 90 Programming, by: T. Ellis, I. Philips and T. Lahey, Addison-Wesley (1995)