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Your Course


The course lays the conceptual foundation of object-oriented programming. It covers delegation and contracts, encapsulation and API programming, aggregation and the collections framework, inheritance and polymorphism, all from the client's perspective.

CSE 3341 3.0- Introduction to Program Verification

Course description: Every program implicitly asserts a theorem to the effect that if certain input conditions are met then the program will do what its specifications or documentation says it will. Making that theorem true is not merely a matter of luck or patient debugging; making a correct program can be greatly aided by a logical analysis of what it is supposed to do, and for small pieces of code a proof that the code works can be produced hand-in-hand with the construction of the code itself. Good programming style works in part because it makes the verification process easier and this in turn makes it easier to develop more complex algorithms from simple ones. The course will provide an introduction to the basic concepts of formal verification methods. It will also include the use of simple tools to aid in verification.

start.1262798107.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/01/06 17:15 by jonathan