Table of Contents

Background Information

μC/OS-II Overview

μC/OS-II (read as MicroC/OS-II) is the second generation of μC/OS which is a priority-based, preemptive and real-time multitasking operating system written mainly in the C programming language. It is originally published in a book by Jean J. Labrosse, μC/OS The Real-Time Kernel, which purpose was to describe the internals of a portable operating system with a small footprint. It is now a product which is maintained by Micrium Inc. and licenses are issued per product or royalty free for non-commercial educational uses. Even though the source code of μC/OS is available, it is not by any means considered free or open source software.

μC/OS-II is an extremely detailed and highly readable design study which is particularly useful to the embedded systems student. While documenting the design and implementation of the kernel, the book also walks through the many related development issues such as how to adapt the kernel for a new microprocessor, how to install the kernel, and how to structure the applications that run on the kernel.

μC/OS-II Important Features

Important features of μC/OS-II are 1):

μC/OS-II like most modern operating systems has the following components:

μC/OS-II allows one to create new tasks and check the existing status of the tasks stack. Tasks can be deleted or their priority can be changed. Also μC/OS-II provides general information about a specific task and allows one to suspend or resume operation as well on a task.

The current version of μC/OS-II can manage up to 64 tasks. The four highest priority tasks and the four lowest priority tasks are reserved for the OS itself. The lower the value of the priority, the higher the priority of the task. The task priority number also serves as the task identifier μC/OS-II uses rate preemptive monotonic scheduling such that the highest rate of execution is given to the highest priority task which is ready. Tasks are periodic and do not synchronize with one another and

μC/OS-II Frequently Used Functions


OSInit function is used to initialize the internals of μC/OS-II and MUST be called prior to creating any μC/OS-II object and, prior to calling OSStart().


OSStart function is used to start the multitasking process which lets μC/OS-II manages the task that you have created. Before you can call OSStart(), you MUST have called OSInit() and you MUST have created at least one task.


OSIntEnter function is used to notify μC/OS-II that you are about to service an interrupt service routine (ISR). This allows μC/OS-II to keep track of interrupt nesting and thus only perform rescheduling at the last nested ISR. You are allowed to nest interrupts up to 255 levels deep.


OSIntExit function is used to notify μC/OS-II that you have completed servicing an ISR. When the last nested ISR has completed, μC/OS-II will call the scheduler to determine whether a new, high-priority task, is ready to run.

You MUST invoke OSIntEnter() and OSIntExit() in pairs. In other words, for every call to OSIntEnter() at the beginning of the ISR you MUST have a call to OSIntExit() at the end of the ISR.

Please note that rescheduling is prevented when the scheduler is locked (see OSSchedLock)


OSTaskCreate function is used to have μC/OS-II manage the execution of a task. Tasks can either be created prior to the start of multitasking or by a running task. A task cannot be created by an ISR.


INT8U OSTaskCreate (void (*task)(void *p_arg), void *p_arg, OS_STK *ptos, INT8U prio)


void Task (void *p_arg)
   for (;;)
      Task code;



OSTaskDel function allows you to delete a task. The calling task can delete itself by its own priority number. The deleted task is returned to the dormant state and can be re-activated by creating the deleted task again.


INT8U OSTaskDel (INT8U prio)



Please note:


OSTaskDelReq function is used to notify a task to delete itself and to see if a task requested that the current task delete itself. This function is a little tricky to understand. Basically, you have a task that needs to be deleted however, this task has resources that it has allocated (memory buffers, semaphores, mailboxes, queues etc.). The task cannot be deleted otherwise these resources would not be freed. The requesting task calls OSTaskDelReq() to indicate that the task needs to be deleted. Deleting of the task is however, deferred to the task to be deleted. For example, suppose that task #10 needs to be deleted. The requesting task example, task #5, would call OSTaskDelReq(10). When task #10 gets to execute, it calls this function by specifying OS_PRIO_SELF and monitors the returned value. If the return value is OS_ERR_TASK_DEL_REQ, another task requested a task delete. Task #10 would look like this:

void Task(void *p_arg)
   while (1)
      if (OSTaskDelReq(OS_PRIO_SELF) == OS_ERR_TASK_DEL_REQ)
         Release any owned resources;
         De-allocate any dynamic memory;


Returns :


OSTaskSuspend function is called to suspend a task. The task can be the calling task if the priority passed to OSTaskSuspend() is the priority of the calling task or OS_PRIO_SELF. You should use this function with great care. If you suspend a task that is waiting for an event (i.e. a message, a semaphore, a queue …) you will prevent this task from running when the event arrives.




OSTaskResume function is called to resume a previously suspended task. This is the only call that will remove an explicit task suspension.



OSTaskChangePrio function allows you to change the priority of a task dynamically. Note that the new priority MUST be available.



OSSchedLock function is used to prevent rescheduling to take place. This allows your application to prevent context switches until you are ready to permit context switching. You MUST invoke OSSchedLock() and OSSchedUnlock() in pair. In other words, for every call to OSSchedLock() you MUST have a call to OSSchedUnlock().


OSSchedUnlock function is used to re-allow rescheduling. You MUST invoke OSSchedLock() and OSSchedUnlock() in pair. In other words, for every call to OSSchedLock() you MUST have a call to OSSchedUnlock().


OSTimeDly function is called to delay execution of the currently running task until the specified number of system ticks expires. This, of course, directly equates to delaying the current task for some time to expire. No delay will result If the specified delay is 0. If the specified delay is greater than 0 then, a context switch will result.



OSTimeDlyHMSM function is called to delay execution of the currently running task until some time expires. This call allows you to specify the delay time in HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS and MILLISECONDS instead of ticks.


OS_ENTER_CRITICAL() is a macro inserts the machine instruction into your code to block all interrupts.


OS_EXIT_CRITICAL() is a macro inserts the machine instruction to enable interrupts.


OSSemCreate function creates a semaphore.




OSSemPost function signals a semaphore Argument pevent is a pointer to the event control block associated with the desired semaphore.



OSSemPendAbort function aborts & readies any tasks currently waiting on a semaphore. This function should be used to fault-abort the wait on the semaphore, rather than to normally signal the semaphore via OSSemPost().

Prelab studies

Please make sure to read and understand the license agreements listed below:

Also read the following study guides and application notes:


μC/OS-II source code is divided into platform dependent and platform independent files. Platform independent files can be found in Micrium/Software/uCOS-II/Source/. Platform independent files can be found in Micrium/Software/uCOS-II/Ports/HCS12/Paged/Metrowerks/SerialMonitor/.

By study the source structure and Micrium/ReadMe/uCOS-II-RefMan.pdf briefly answer the following questions:

  1. Write a pseudo code using μC/OS-II to create two tasks and protect their critical sections that is accessing a common variable called XYZ.
  2. In your own words, explain how multitasking is achieved in the μC/OS-II (pay special attention to os_cpu_a.s)?


Based on a presentation by Enric Pastor