Table of Contents


General Policy

The course have two equally important components: practical (assignments) and theoretical (test/quizes/exam). You have to have satisfying results (>25% of possible points) in both to pass the course.

If above requirement is satisfied conversion from numeric to letter grade is applied to the overall mark in accordance with the following departmental standard:



The weight distribution of the course components is as follows:

Your Marks

You can view your marks here.

You can also use the The unix command /cs/fac/bin/courseInfo 3311 [2012-13 S]

How to calculate final grade

total = ∑(a1..a5) + ∑(q1..q5) + Midterm + Final

The total will be converted then using the standard scale to final letter grade

Late Work

Please submit your work on time! Late reports receive a mark of 0!

Missed Quizes / Test

NOTE: It is risky to put to much weight on the final examination so you are encouraged to take care of your health.