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whats_new [2013/06/27 20:46] pawlukwhats_new [2013/08/12 15:58] (current) pawluk
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 ====== What's New? ====== ====== What's New? ======
 +====== Solutions posted ======
 +Solutions for Q5 and A5 are now posted.
 +====== Marks are posted ======
 +Quiz and Assignment 5 have been marked and grades are now posted.
 +====== Office hours on Aug 7 ======
 +Office hours will be held in TEL 2003.
 +You can also meet me there next week if you have any questions before the exam.
 +====== Marks are posted ======
 +Quiz and Assignment 4 have been marked and grades are now posted.
 +====== Mid-term Solutions ======
 +Midterm solutions can be found [[|here]]
 +====== A4 due Sunday ======
 +A4 due date: SUNDAY, July 21 2013 (11:59pm)
 +but I will not be able to answer your emails during this weekend
 +====== A3 Marks posted ======
 +A3 marks are now posted posted. Good job!
 +Mid-term marks will be posted soon.
 +====== FINAL EXAM ======
 +Registrar Office has published schedule of Summer Final Examination. 
 +Final test for CSE3311 is scheduled on
 +**Wed, 14 Aug 2013     at    14:00 (2:00pm)  in      CLH H (duration 180 min/3h) **
 +====== A3 Extension ======
 +Due to large number of requests for extension I decided to extend deadline for A3 submission until FRIDAY, July 12 2013 11:59pm.
 +====== If you missed the mid-term ======
 +You should provide me with an attending physician statement form filled in by your doctor. Then the weight of the mid-term will be transfered toward the final test. Otherwise you get 0 for this component.
 +====== Office (July 2, 2013)======
 +I am in TEL 2003 until 5pm if you need me/have questions.
 +====== New Resources Posted (June 27, 2013)======
 +===Chapters covered by the mid-term:===
 +  * 1-4,
 +  * 6-8,
 +  * 10,
 +  * 11,
 +  * 14-18,
 +  * 20,
 +  * 23,
 +  * 24
 ====== New Resources Posted (June 27, 2013)====== ====== New Resources Posted (June 27, 2013)======
whats_new.txt · Last modified: 2013/08/12 15:58 by pawluk

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