Lecture Notes

Date Topic Slides
January 8 Introduction to the course PDF
January 10 Interacting with MATLAB and basic math expressions PDF
January 15 Creating Vectors and Matrices PDF
January 17 Addressing Matrices PDF (You need to login with your PRISM account to download this file. The login button is at the bottom-right corner of this page.)
January 22 Matrix Calculations (I) PDF (You need to login)
January 24 Matrix Calculations (II) PDF (You need to login)
January 29 Creating Simple Scripts and Calculations (III) Simple ScriptsPDF (You need to login)
January 31 Simple Input and Output (I) PDF (You need to login)
February 5 Simple Input and Output (II) PDF wine.xlsmarks.xls (You need to login)
February 7 Control Structure (I) PDF (You need to login)
February 12 Control Structure (II) PDF (You need to login)
February 14 Control Structure (III) PDF (You need to login)
February 26 Control Structure (IV) PDF (You need to login)
February 28 Control Structure (V) PDF (You need to login)
March 7 Break Command (last slides) and Input and Output (II) PDF (You need to login)
March 12 User-defined Functions PDF (You need to login)
March 14 More on User-defined Functions and File IO PDF PDFiris.txt(You need to login)
March 19 Exercises on Plain Text File IO PDF file1.txt iris.txtmarks.txt(You need to login)
March 21 Response Time and Random Functions PDF (You need to login)
March 26 Plots (I) PDF (You need to login)
March 28 Plots (II) PDF (You need to login)
April 2 Plots (III) PDF (You need to login)
April 4 Plots (IV) PDF (You need to login)