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assignments:start [2013/01/07 18:28] aanassignments:start [2013/04/02 04:17] aan
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 ====== Assignments ====== ====== Assignments ======
-To be posted over the term. 
 Note that you need to login with your PRISM Lab account to download the assignment file. The login button is at the bottom-right corner of this page. Note that you need to login with your PRISM Lab account to download the assignment file. The login button is at the bottom-right corner of this page.
 ^      ^ Weight      ^ Due Date       File to Download ^ Sample Solution^ ^      ^ Weight      ^ Due Date       File to Download ^ Sample Solution^
-| Assignment 1    | 4%     Monday January 23 by 5pm  | {{:protected:assignments:a1_2012W.pdf|}}| {{:protected:assignments:a1.txt|}}|   +| Assignment 1    | 4%     Friday January 25 by 5pm  | {{:protected:assignments:a1_2013W.pdf|}}| {{:protected:assignments:a1.txt|}}|   
-| Assignment 2    | 4%     Tuesday February by 5pm  | {{:protected:assignments:a2_2012W.pdf|}} {{:protected:assignments:responsetime.xls|}}|{{:protected:assignments:a2.txt|}} |   +| Assignment 2    | 5%     Friday February 15 by 5pm  | {{:protected:assignments:a2_2013W.pdf|}} {{:protected:assignments:StudRecords.xls|}}| {{:protected:assignments:a2.txt|}}|   
-| Assignment 3    | 5%     Thursday February 23 by 5pm  | {{:protected:assignments:a3_2012W.pdf|}} {{:protected:assignments:scores.xls|}} |{{:protected:assignments:a3q1.m|}}{{:protected:assignments:a3q2.m|}}{{:protected:assignments:a3q3.m|}}{{:protected:assignments:a3q4.m|}}{{:protected:assignments:a3q5.m|}} |  +| Assignment 3    | 4%     Monday March 4 by 1pm  | {{:protected:assignments:a3_2013W.pdf|}} {{:protected:assignments:temperature.xls|}} |{{:protected:assignments:a3q1.m|}}{{:protected:assignments:a3q2.m|}}{{:protected:assignments:a3q3.m|}}{{:protected:assignments:a3q4.m|}}|  
-| Assignment 4    | 5%     Wednesday March 21 by 5pm  | {{:protected:assignments:a4-2012W.pdf|}}\\ {{:protected:assignments:heightweight.txt|}}| {{:protected:assignments:a4q1.txt|}}{{:protected:assignments:a4q2.txt|}}{{:protected:assignments:DotProd.m|}}{{:protected:assignments:FunY.m|}}{{:protected:assignments:IPtoCK.m|}}{{:protected:assignments:a4q6.m|}}{{:protected:assignments:BMI.txt|}}| +| Assignment 4    | 5%     Monday March 25 by 5pm  | {{:protected:assignments:a4-2013W.pdf|}}\\ {{:protected:assignments:heightweight.txt|}}| 
-| Assignment 5    | 7%     | Monday April by 6pm  | {{:protected:assignments:a5-2012W.pdf|}}{{:protected:assignments:a5demo.p|}}| {{:protected:assignments:a5_solution1.m|}}{{:protected:assignments:a5_solution2.m|}}| +{{:protected:assignments:a4q1.txt|}}{{:protected:assignments:a4q2.txt|}}{{:protected:assignments:a4q3.m|}}{{:protected:assignments:convert.m|}}{{:protected:assignments:a4q5.m|}}{{:protected:assignments:BMI.txt|}}|  
 +| Assignment 5    | 7%     | Monday April by 10pm  | {{:protected:assignments:a5-2013W.pdf|}}{{:protected:assignments:a5demo.p|}}| 
 */ */
 You should submit your assignments online at    You should submit your assignments online at   
assignments/start.txt · Last modified: 2013/04/21 19:20 by aan

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