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What is the policy on academic dishonesty?

We take matters related to academic dishonesty seriously. To that end, measures to detect irregularities are in place and are continually upgraded. For example, tests are photocopied before being returned to the students. More about academic dishonesty can be found here.

What if I couldn't submit a homework by the due date?

No late homework will be accepted, regardless of reason. If you are not able to submit a homework for documentable reasons beyond your control, please make arrangement with your instructor before the homework is due. If your request is approved, the weight of the assignment will be transferred to the final exam.

What if I missed a test?

No make-up tests will be given. If you miss a test for reasons beyond your control, inform your instructor as soon as possible. If approved, the weight of the missed test will be transferred to the final exam.

policies.1293952417.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/01/02 07:13 by aan