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Important Dates

In a very significant way, every lecture and lab is important. Having stated that much, following are key dates to keep in mind.

  • Tuesday, June 18 - Lab test #1 (during the lab)
  • Thursday, June 27 - Midterm written test (in class)
  • Tuesday, July 9 - Drop date
  • Tuesday, July 22 - Lab test #2 (during the lab)
  • As scheduled by registrar - Final exam.

The written midterm test will take place in CB 121 at 18:00 - 19:15, the lab tests will be in LAS 1006 at 19:30 - 21:00 and the final exam will be as scheduled by the registrar.

important_dates.1366290616.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/04/18 13:10 by wildes