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resources [2007/09/05 18:41] roumaniresources [2011/01/05 04:00] roumani
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 ====== Resources ====== ====== Resources ======
-  * **SPIM -- A MIPS Simulator:** You can download the Windows version installed in our lab from [[|here]]. To download this software for other platforms, see [[|this]] site. +  * [[|SPIM: the MIPS simulator for Windows]]. For for other platforms, see [[|this]] site. 
-  * **Icarus - A Verilog Compiler:** You can download the Windows version installed in our lab from [[|here]]. Unzip to c:\iverilog and include c:\iverilog\bin in your path. To set the path, use the Control Panel or run c:\iverilog\setup every time you open a DOS console. To download this software for other platforms, see  [[|this]] site. +  * [[|Icarus: the Verilog Compiler for Windows]]. Unzip to c:\iverilog and include c:\iverilog\bin in your path. To set the path, use the Control Panel or run c:\iverilog\setup every time you open a DOS console. To download this software for other platforms, see  [[|this]] site. 
-  * **Crimson -- A MIPS/Verilog-Aware Editor:** You can download this editor from [[|here]]. +  * [[|Crimson: a MIPS / Verilog-aware editor for Windows]]. 
-  * **Textbook Site:** You can access the solutions of the //For More Practice// exercises from [[|here]].+  * {{mipsgreencard.pdf|MIPS Green Card}}
-  * **Our MIPS Sheet:** [[|link]]+  * {{sysCalls.pdf|SPIM System Calls}}
   * **Names of Powers of Two:** kilo = 2<sup>10</sup>, mega = 2<sup>20</sup>, giga = 2<sup>30</sup>, tera = 2<sup>40</sup>, peta = 2<sup>50</sup>, exa = 2<sup>60</sup>.   * **Names of Powers of Two:** kilo = 2<sup>10</sup>, mega = 2<sup>20</sup>, giga = 2<sup>30</sup>, tera = 2<sup>40</sup>, peta = 2<sup>50</sup>, exa = 2<sup>60</sup>.
-  * **Exam Schedule:** The R.O. will post it  [[|here]] 
resources.txt · Last modified: 2012/05/31 06:28 by skhan

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