====== Announcements ====== [[start | Main Page]] Check this page regularly for updates on the course. ===== Dec. 8, 2014 ===== I'm available today from 11:30am to 1pm in my office if you have any questions. ===== Dec. 4, 2014 ===== {{tentativeformulasheet.pdf | Tentative formula sheet}} and {{cse3213final14.pdf | last year's final}}. ===== Dec. 3, 2014 ===== Final will cover the material not covered by the midterm (i.e. the stuff we completed by Tue. Oct. 21 strictly speaking L7 slide 14 on to L15 inclusive), however there is a caveat: L4 discusses foundational ideas that appear throughout the course (i.e. in Ch. 3, 5, and 6) so please don't forget that material and questions from Assig. 2 that pertain to it as well as Assig. 3 and 4. Things that you don't have to worry about is stuff like classification, routing tables, and topologies. ===== Nov. 28, 2014 ===== Here are the {{quiz4solns.pdf | quiz4 solutions}}. ===== Nov. 25, 2014 ===== Quiz 4 notes (this Thurs. end of class): Can potentially cover Assig. 4 stuff (the one posted right now...apologies for confusion), Q1-Q11 (Q11 corresponds to Prob. 3.55) and Lectures on Basic Baseband comms (L10), Line Coding (L11), Modulation (L12). No digitization. No error detection/correction stuff. ===== Nov. 24, 2014 ===== Question 11 on Assig. 4 is not due. I forgot that you have already been given a solution for that one. ===== Nov. 18, 2014 ===== Assig. 4 posted. Due Tue. Nov. 25 in class by the end of class. ===== Nov. 13, 2014 ===== Here are the {{quiz3soln.pdf | quiz 3 solutions}}. ===== Nov. 11, 2014 ===== Assignment 3 solutions posted. Just a quick note for question 5 and the link between data rate and frequency separation for WDM. It was found each of our wavelengths occupied 16.6 GHz of bandwidth. Now please be aware that this is a bandpass bandwidth (centred around a 1550-nm wavelength). In class today we highlighted that if your bandwidth is Ws then in fact you can signal at a rate of 2*Ws, but this is for a baseband signal (that is one with frequency response from 0 to Ws...or more correctly -Ws to Ws). If your signal is a bandpass signal with bandwidth Ws (from say fc-Ws/2 to fc+Ws/2) then it turns out your maximum rate is just Ws (not 2*Ws). Hence the maximum rate for our WDM per wavelength came out to 16.6 Gbps (since this is a bandpass signalling scheme). We'll explain this change in data rate from baseband to bandpass in an upcoming lecture (L12), for some reason I forgot we won't be covering it till then. As for the quiz: Basically it can cover notes from L8 and L9 (but I won't ask you ADC SNR stuff since we just covered it today) as well as Assig. 3 up to question 13. Also, question 14 on Assig. 3 will be marked as a bonus question. ===== Nov. 4, 2014 ===== Midterms marks posted on Moodle. Marks are out of 40. Class avg. is 61%. ===== Nov. 3, 2014 ===== Assignment 3 posted: Due Tue. Nov. 11 in class by end of class. Bunch of new lectures posted (in Lectures page). ===== Oct. 30, 2014 ===== Here are the {{midtermsoln3213f14.pdf | midterm solutions}}. ===== Oct. 28, 2014 ===== Here is a link to the [[https://forum.eecs.yorku.ca/viewforum.php?f=283 | course student forum]] that has recently been set up. ===== Oct. 25, 2014 ===== {{infosheetmidterm3213f14.pdf | Midterm formula sheet}} ===== Oct. 21, 2014 ===== I made a mistake in the posted Quiz 2 solutions for question 2. The ack time is 8*2*1e3/10e6=1.6ms. So the total delay is 11.6 ms and so the throughput is 6.9 Mbps. Also for your reference here is {{midterm3213_14.pdf | last year's midterm}}. Last year's course was organized differently than this year's so please don't think everything you see on this midterm will be asked, just concentrate on what we have actually studied in class and what has actually appeared in the assignments. For example, we haven't done any detailed discussions on internetwork addressing, subnets, CIDR, distance vector routing, CDNs, P2Ps etc.(Q4, Q5(a),(b),etc.) so obviously you don't have to worry about that in the midterm. This year's midterm will cover what we dealt with in class (I'll detail that more by this Thursday) and what is on Assignments 1 and 2 (all the questions therein). ===== Oct. 16, 2014 ===== Here are the {{quiz2soln.pdf | quiz 2 solutions}}. ===== Oct. 15, 2014 ===== Please see Moodle (the announcement should also have been emailed to you) regarding the **vote to change the midterm date** to Oct. 23 (from Oct. 28). Here are the {{quiz2formulas.pdf | formulas}} you'll be getting for quiz 2. Valid stuff for the quiz is stuff we have discussed in class over the last couple of weeks (L3 and L4 mostly) and Assig. 2 up to and including problem 14. ===== Oct. 6, 2014 ===== Assignment 2 posted. Due. Tue. Oct. 14 in class by the end of class. ===== Sept. 25, 2014 ===== Here are the {{quiz1soln.pdf | quiz 1 solutions}}. Remember you have 1 week to appeal for a mark adjust (please see [[grades | Grades]] for the remarking policy. ===== Sept. 23, 2014 ===== Assig 1 solns posted (in Announcements wiki page). ===== Sept. 23, 2014 ===== Here's a copy of formula's I will be giving you for the quiz (Thurs. Sept. 25, 15 min). I will be providing these right on the quiz so please don't use your own copy. The quiz is closed book. Don't forget to bring a calculator. {{quiz1formula.pdf | Quiz 1 Formulas}} ===== Sept. 19, 2014 ===== For Assignment 1 you are responsible to hand in only questions 1, 4, 5, 8 (but you don't have to sketch a round-robin net) (i.e. not 10, 12). As I mentioned the quiz will be based on the assignment questions (out of fairness I'll only consider questions 1-8). That doesn't mean I'll ask you the exact questions, or even the same question with different numbers or that I'll even ask you for the name of exactly the same service that you named in the assignment, but my feeling is that if you can answer the assignment questions you'll be in good shape for the quiz. I will post full solutions to everything by Tue. right after class to maximize your access to solutions (so **therefore, I will not accept late assignments**). ===== Sept. 15, 2014 ===== **NEW TUESDAY MEETING ROOM: CC106** (Thurs. stays at PSE 321) * __Assignment 1 posted__ (in Assignments Wiki page)...due Tue. Sept. 23 in class by end of class (remember quiz on Thurs. Sept. 25...bring your calculator) ===== Sept. 5, 2014 ===== Welcome to 3213. Course wiki updated for Fall 2014.