Table of Contents

Course Announcements

September 8, 2014

Start of classes.

Please note that Morteza Zihayat, who is a Ph.D. candidate in the EECS Graduate Program, and who is also the TA for this course, will deliver the first two 3221 lectures on Monday September 8 and Wednesday September 10 on my behalf, as I will be temporarily away presenting a paper at an international conference during that time.

Lecture notes for the next few classes will be posted in the CSE3221 course directory on red: /cs/course/3221

The topics for Assignment 1 will be made available in the file /cs/course/3221/3221_topics

The topic study slides are due on the day of the presentation. The topic study report is due on the last day to hand in term work, that is, Friday December 5, midnight.

You are required to hand in hard copies, and electronic copies of all assignments. Please use the “submit” command to submit electronic copies of all assignments, including topic studies PowerPoint slides and reports, programming assignment reports and source code, etc., to the course directory /cs/course/3221/submit. Use the command “man submit” to learn how to use the “submit” command.

The CSE 3221 midterm test will be held at the following time and location:

Time: Monday October 27, 2014, 17:30-19:00

Location: TEL 0010

The Midterm Test will cover the following:

a) Chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Operating System Concepts” 9th Edition.

b) All the slides in OS_ch1.pdf, OS_ch2.pdf, OS_ch3.pdf, OS_ch4.pdf, OS_ch5.pdf - as well as all the material covered in the lectures up to and including the Wednesday Oct. 22, 2014 lecture. Please make sure that you have the most up-to-date version of the lecture notes.

It is possible that the Midterm Test may include true/false questions, questions that require short answers, questions that require calculations, questions that may require the drawing of diagrams, questions that require slightly longer answers, questions that may require the writing of short programs using pseudo C code similar to that used throughout the textbook, and other possible question formats.

- Please note that, in order to make sure that everyone in the class gets exactly the same information regarding the midterm and final exam, the instructor will not answer individual e-mail questions regarding what will be on and what will not be on the midterm and final exam, because that would not be fair to those students who do not receive such information. - If you have any questions related to the midterm or final exam, please ask such questions during the lectures.

Please note that course component marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to, then typing the following command:

courseInfo 3221 2014-15 F

September 22, 2014

Please note that the location of the EECS 3221 Midterm Exam has changed as follows (The EECS 3221 Midterm Exam location is NOT the room where lectures are held):

EECS 3221 Midterm Exam Date: Monday October 27, 2014 5:30-7:00 PM

EECS 3221 Midterm Exam Location: TEL 0010

September 26, 2014

Reading the first 4 chapters, that is, pages 1-129, of the book “Programming with POSIX Threads” by David R. Butenhof (This book is currently on reserve at Steacie Science Library, Call Number QA 76.76 T55 B88 1997), will not only be helpful for understanding the material on POSIX Threads in Chapter 4 of the textbook, but will also be important for doing the second assignment.

October 1, 2014

A student in 3221 is looking for partners to form a group. If interested please email

October 1, 2014

Please note that EECS3221 Assignment 2 has been posted in the 3221 course directory /cs/course/3221/3221assgn2_F14.pdf

The due date for ECS3221 Assignment 2 is MONDAY NOVEMBER 3, 2014, 17:30.

October 22, 2014

The EECS 3221 Midterm Test will be held at the following time and location:

Time: Monday October 27, 2014, 17:30-19:00

Location: TEL 0010

(Note that the EECS 3221 Midterm Test location is NOT at the same location as the room used for 3221 lectures.)

The Midterm Test will cover the following:

a) Chapters 1-4; Sections 5.1 to 5.7.2 (pages 203-222) of Chapter 5, of the textbook “Operating System Concepts” 9th Edition.

b) All the slides in OS_ch1.pdf, OS_ch2.pdf, OS_ch3.pdf, OS_ch4.pdf; and slides 1-34 (up to The Readers-Writers Problem) of OS_ch5.pdf - as well as all the material covered in the lectures up to and including the Wednesday Oct. 22, 2014 lecture. Please make sure that you have the most up-to-date version of the lecture notes.

It is possible that the Midterm Test may include true/false questions, questions that require short answers, questions that require calculations, questions that may require the drawing of diagrams, questions that require slightly longer answers, questions that may require the writing of short programs using pseudo C code similar to that used throughout the textbook, and other possible question formats.

- Please note that, in order to make sure that everyone in the class gets exactly the same information regarding the midterm and final exam, the instructor will not answer individual e-mail questions regarding what will be on and what will not be on the midterm and final exam, because that would not be fair to those students who do not receive such information. - If you have any questions related to the midterm or final exam, please ask such questions during the lectures.

Please note that course component marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to, then typing the following command:

courseInfo 3221 2014-15 F

October 29, 2014

As indicated in the Section D, “What to Hand In”, in the description of Assignment 2 in the document /cs/course/3221/3221assgn2:

Each group is required to hand in both a hard copy and an electronic copy of the following:

1. A written report that identifies and addresses all the important aspects and issues in the design and implementation of the programs for the problem described above.

2. The C source programs.

3. A “Test_output” file containing the output of any testing your group have done.

4. A “makefile” file to make it easier for the marker to compile and run your group’s program.

5. A “README” file explaining how to compile and run your group’s program. Each group is required to use the utility “submit” to submit the electronic version of the above 5 files plus the “errors.h” file to the course directory /cs/course/3221/submit/a2

(The file “errors.h” should be included among the files submitted so that the marker can test whether your group’s programs can compile and run correctly or not.)

Note that it is assumed that all members of each group for Assignment 1 are working in the same group for Assignment 2.

Please note that the due date of Assignment 2 is Monday, November 3, 2014, 17:30.

November 2, 2014

Please note that the due date for EECS3221 Assignment 2 has been extended to:

Wednesday, November 5, 2014, 17:30.

A penalty of two grade points (for example, A reduced to B) will be applied to the mark for EECS3221 Assignment 2 if the EECS3221 Assignment 2 is not handed in on or before Wednesday, November 5, 2014, 17:30; but is handed in on or before Monday, November 10, 2014, 17:30.

If the EECS3221 Assignment 2 is not handed in on or before Monday, November 10, 2014, 17:30, then the mark for the EECS3221 Assignment 2 will be zero.

Please note that, regardless of when you hand in EECS3221 Assignment 2, definitely no extension will be given for the due date for EECS3221 Assignment 3, which will be on the last day to hand in term work according to York University regulations.

November 5, 2014

Please note that EECS3221 Assignment 3 has been posted in the 3221 course directory /cs/course/3221/3221assgn3_F14.pdf

The due date for ECS3221 Assignment 3 is FRIDAY DECEMBER 5, 2014, 23:59.

Please note that definitely no extension will be given for the due date for EECS3221 Assignment 3, since December 5, 2014 is the last day to hand in term work according to York University regulations, so please make sure you leave enough time to be able to complete the assignment on time.

Please make sure that you have the most up-to-date version of the ECS3221 Assignment 3.

November 6, 2014

Please note that the EECS3221 Midterm Test marks are available. To access your EECS3221 Midterm Test mark, login to, then type the following command:

courseInfo 3221 2014-15 F

Each mark shown for the EECS3221 Midterm Test is out of 63. For example, “midterm/63: 31.5” implies that the shown mark of 31.5 is equivalent to the percentage: 31.5/63 = 50%

The Midterm Test papers will be handed back in class on Monday.

November 19, 2014

The due date for ECS3221 Assignment 3, and the PowerPoint slides and report for Assignment 1, is FRIDAY DECEMBER 5, 2014, 23:59.

Please note that it is not possible to extend this due date, since December 5, 2014 is the last day to hand in term work according to York University regulations

Please also note that both hard copies and electronic versions of ECS3221 Assignment 3, and the PowerPoint slides and report for Assignment 1 must be submitted. The electronic versions must be submitted to the /cs/course/3221/submit directory using the “submit” command. For information on how to use the submit command, use the command “man submit”.

November 20, 2014

The EECS 3221 section A Final Exam will be held on:

Time: Friday December 12, 2014, 9:00-12:00

Location: TEL 0006

The Final Exam will cover the following:

a) Chapters 1-6, and Chapters 8-9 of the textbook “Operating System Concepts” 9th Edition.

b) The slides OS_ch1.pdf, OS_ch2.pdf, OS_ch3.pdf, OS_ch4.pdf, OS_ch5.pdf, OS_ch6.pdf, OS_ch8.pdf, OS_ch9.pdf, - as well as all the material covered in all the lectures.

It is possible that the Final Exam may include true/false questions, questions that require short answers, questions that require calculations, questions that may require the drawing of diagrams, questions that require slightly longer answers, questions that may require the writing of short programs using pseudo C code similar to that used throughout the textbook, and other possible question formats.

- Please note that, in order to make sure that everyone in the class gets exactly the same information regarding the Final Exam, the instructor will not answer individual e-mail questions regarding what will be on and what will not be on the Final Exam, because that would not be fair to those students who do not receive such information. - If you have any questions related to the Final Exam, please ask such questions during the lectures.

January 7, 2015

The unofficial final grades for EECS3221 can be accessed by first logging onto, then typing the following command:

courseInfo 3221 2014-15 F