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books_monographs_theses [2014/08/20 15:38] nickbooks_monographs_theses [2014/08/25 16:40] nick
Line 16: Line 16:
        * {{:provenance_data.pdf|Provenance Data - Barnier et al. book}}        * {{:provenance_data.pdf|Provenance Data - Barnier et al. book}}
        * {{:visual_interface.pdf|Visual Interface Design - Lam & Munzner book}}        * {{:visual_interface.pdf|Visual Interface Design - Lam & Munzner book}}
-       * {{|book}}+       
   * Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Books   * Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Books
Line 22: Line 22:
        * {{:concise_planning.pdf|Automated Planning - Geffner & Bonet book}}        * {{:concise_planning.pdf|Automated Planning - Geffner & Bonet book}}
        * {{:reasoning.pdf|Graphical Models - Rina Dechter book}}        * {{:reasoning.pdf|Graphical Models - Rina Dechter book}}
 +       * {{:active_learning.pdf|Active Learning - Burr Settles book}}
 +       * {{:constraint_based.pdf|Constraint-Based Temporal Reasoning - Barták et al. book}}
 +       * {{:game_playing.pdf|Game Playing - Genesereth &  Thielscher book}}
 +       * {{:case_based_reasoning.pdf|Case-Based Reasoning - Beatriz López book}}
 +       * {{:markov_decision.pdf|Markov Decision Processes - Mausam and Andrey Kolobov book}}
 +       * {{:coop_game_theory.pdf|Cooperative GameTheory - Chalkiadakis et al. book}}
 +       * {{:trading_agents.pdf|Trading Agents - Michael P.Wellman book}}
 +       * {{:human_computation.pdf|Human Computation - Lawe &  von Ahn book}}
 +       * {{:preferences.pdf|Preferences - Rossi et al. book}}
 +       * {{:svm.pdf|Support Vector Machines - Campbell & Ying book}}
 +       * {{:semi-supervised_learning.pdf|Semi-Supervised Learning - Zhu & Goldberg book}}
 +       * {{:markov_logic.pdf|Markov Logic - Domingos & Lowd book}}
 +       * {{:data_integration.pdf|Data Integration - Michael Genesereth book}}
 +       * {{:reinforcement_learning.pdf|Reinforcement Learning - Csaba Szepesvári book}}
 +  * Text Mining, Information Retrieval, etc. Books
 +       * {{:text-content.pdf|Aggarwal and Zhai book}}
 +       * {{:irbookprint.pdf|Information Retrieval - Manning, Raghavan & Schütze book}}
 +       * {{:mining_of_massive_datasets.pdf|Mining of Massive Datasets - Leskovec, Rajaraman & Ullman book}}
 +       * {{:ir_models.pdf|Information Retrieval Models - Tomas Roelleke book}}
 +       * {{:ir_evaluation.pdf|Information Retrieval Evaluation - Donna Harman book}}
 +  * Data Management Books
 +       * {{:data_cleaning.pdf|Data Cleaning - Ganti & Das Sarma book}}
 +       * {{:data_dependencies.pdf|Data Dependencies - Greco, et al. book}}
 +       * {{:data_protection.pdf|Data Protection - Elisa Bertino book}}
 +       * {{:database_replication.pdf|Database Replication - Kemme et al. book}}
 +       * {{:keyword_search_in_dbs.pdf|Keyword Search - Yu et al. book}}
 +       * {{:multidimensional.pdf|Multidimensional Databases - Jensen et al. book}}
 +       * {{:privacy_preserving.pdf|Privacy-Preserving - Wong & Fu book}}
 +       * {{:relational_and_xml.pdf|Relational and XML - Arenas et al. book}}
 +       * {{:social_networks.pdf|Social Networks - Chen et al. book}}
 +  * Interesting Books
 +       * {{:intro_to_logic.pdf|Introduction to Logic - Genesereth and Kao book}}
 +       * {{:latent_semantic_mapping.pdf|Latent Semantic Mapping - Jerome R. Bellegarda book}}
 +       * {{:linguistic_fundamentals.pdf|Linguistic Fundamentals for NLP - Emily M. Bender book}}
 +       * {{:the_problems_of_philosophy_by_bertrand_russell.pdf|Problems of Philosophy - Bertrand Russell book}}
   * LISP books   * LISP books
Line 43: Line 83:
        * {{:higherorderperl.pdf|higher order perl}}        * {{:higherorderperl.pdf|higher order perl}}
-  * Computational Linguistics books + 
-       * {{:flickinger.pdf|Flickinger book}} +
-       * {{:c1djandjm2nd.pdf|Jurafsky & Martin book}} +
-       +
books_monographs_theses.txt · Last modified: 2014/09/07 16:29 by nick

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