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Group 3 - VRobotics

VRobotics: botBlocks - A Robotic Development Platform




  • Md Zahed Hossain
  • Isaac DeSouza
  • Robert Mete
  • James Timbreza
  • Jookhun M Ishfaaq

Project Adviser:

  • Professor Sebastian Magierowski


  • Giancarlo Ayala
  • Goran Basic

Course Director:

  • Professor Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh

Company website:

Selected as one of the groups for MaRS by Lassonde School of Engineering

About MaRS:

MaRS is where science, technology and social entrepreneurs get the help they need. Where all kinds of people meet to spark new ideas. And where a global reputation for innovation is being earned, one success story at a time.

For more information about MaRS visit this link:


Group Members

 Md. Zahed Hossain Name: Md. Zahed Hossain
Stream : Computer Engineering
Role: Project Manager and Lead Programming
Sub-project: Voice Recognition, Serial Communication & Website Management
Zahed is a final year student majoring in Computer Engineering at the Lassonde School of Engineering. He is the Project manager and the Programming Lead of the project. He has experience in Web development, Embedded Systems development (FPGA, ARM processors, Development board), Android and iOS development, Robotics, and Digital Signal processing.
As the Project Manager, Zahed will be responsible for creating clear and attainable project objectives, building project requirements, and managing the constraints of the project management, which are cost, time, scope and quality of the final product. It is his responsibility to enforce deadlines and coordinate with the team members accordingly.
He will be implementing the voice recognition system and the serial communication protocol required for communicating with the robotic arm. He will also be involved in directing and assisting in the programming portion of this project and maintaining the websites for this project.
 Robert Mete Name: Robert Mete
Stream: Computer Engineering
Role: Lead Electrical Systems and Sensor Inputs
Sub-project: Sensor Inputs and interfacing with Robotic Arms
Robert is a final year student majoring in Computer Engineering at the Lassonde School of Engineering. He has experience in robotics, electronic board design and manufacture, embedded systems, computer graphics, and a wide variety of programming languages. He was also part of the hardware development team for the York University Rover Team (YURT).
In this project Robert is mainly responsible for implementing the Point Cloud Block module. This module will transmit detailed 3D point cloud maps to the primary module, allowing our demonstration robot to have depth perception. Robert will also assist with the merging of all modules for the final demonstration.
 Isaac DeSouza Name: Isaac DeSouza
Stream: Space Engineering
Role: Lead Design and Integration
Sub-project: Systems Hardware Integration and Actuation Control
Isaac is a final year student majoring in Space Engineering at the Lassonde School of Engineering. He is the lead of Systems Hardware Integration and Actuation Control for the project. Isaac have worked on robotics and was responsible to design the arm for York University Rover Team.
In this project Isaac is responsible for designing the robotic arm and for integrating all the necessary hardware components to facilitate communications with the other blocks of the project.
 Ishfaaq M. Jookhun Name: Ishfaaq M. Jookhun
Stream: Space Engineering
Role: Operations and Inverse Kinematics Lead
Sub-project: Arm Movement
Jookhun is a final year student majoring in Space Engineering at the Lassonde School of Engineering. He is the lead of Operations and Inverse Kinematics for the project. He has experience working in attitude control subsystems, finite element modelling, mass spectrometer and magnetometers. He has worked on the raspberry pi and the beaglebone black development kit. He is proficient in several programming languages and is especially fond of matlab. He is also familiar with technical computing softwares such as mathematica.
In this project Jookhun is responsible for developing the kinematics model for the robotic arm. He is also responsible for aiding in the final integration of all the blocks.
 James Timbreza Name: James Timbreza
Stream: Computer Engineering
Role: Marketing Lead and Programming
Sub-project: Visual Input for Robotic Arms
James is a final year student majoring in Computer Engineering at the Lassonde School of Engineering. He is the lead of Vision and Marketing for the project. He has experience in 3D graphics, Robotics, Embedded systems and club promotions for York Robotic fighting club, where he acted as the treasurer.
In the project James is responsible to monitor the expenses of the project. He will be implementing the computer vision for the robotic arm.

Description of Project

VRobotics : BotBlocks

The primary objective of this project is to develop a fully functioning 6 degree-of-freedom (DOF) robotic arm with 1 meter maximum range that is capable of receiving visual cues as well as audio commands to execute pre-programmed functional capabilities. The basic functionality would be to use a pointing device such as a laser pointer, aim at a particular object, and verbally use a command such as “Pick Up” or “Push”. The robotic arm would then perform the action as required. Further functionality would also be explored through the use of capacitive touch sensors, accelerometers, laser scanning, and image recognition software used to construct high level user-interfaces.

Ultimately, the robotic arm would have be able to learn series of actions taught completely through visual and audio commands based on a basic library of movements available to it.

Our target environment is a kitchen where the arm would be suspended from a support and then it would be able to perform some tasks on kitchen utensils. This is one of the many uses, but for simplicity we have chosen this environment.

Our project have 5 components:

  • Voice recognition (Audio Processing) : VeeVoice
  • Sensors and Mapping : VeeCloud
  • Computer Vision (Image Processing) : Veesion
  • Design and Hardware integration (Motion Control) : ICCE
  • Kinematics Model : VeeNverseKinamatics

Design and Hardware integration involves the designing of the arm and the require hardware components to control the arm. The other 4 components are involved with the operation of the arm. The chart below shows all our modules and how they can be integrated in different ways for different kinds of applications.

The 5 modules that makes botBlocks

As we can see, these five modules could be used to control a robot.

How the modules could be used

In the above figure we can see the different configurations of the modules. For example, the ICCE (Motion control) module and the Veesion (Image processing) module could be used to control a robot. On the other hand, with that configuration, we can just add the VeeCloud (Sensors and Mapping) module to add more functionality to the robot. Hence, it is scalable. We can use two of the same module if needed to control different parts of a robot. This is made possible because of the modular design of botBlocks. This makes our design unique and more user friendly.

The graph below shows the current trend in the robotic industry. This shows why we have chosen the right field on the right time because the sales of service robots are increasing very rapidly and are projected to increase every year with revenues topping billions.

Growth in sales of service robots

VRobotics : Design Complexity

Our project has 5 different components, which includes both hardware and software solutions. This makes our project one of the complex designs in the ENG4000 course. We design an arm, of length 1.3 meters, from scratch. We have used development boards that doesn't have a huge community yet and lacks support and software. This contributed to more complexity in terms of installation of software and integration. We have implemented serial communications and devised our own protocol to maximum this communication and to reduce and handle errors. Hence, a lot of time has been spent on each sub-project to make it work. Making our systems reliable was also a challenge since most of these technologies (voice recognition, computer vision, mapping) are still a field of research. We have followed our own approaches to make these systems more accurate and reliable so that systems built using our modules are also reliable.

Brief Description of the Blocks

Each sub-project plays an important role in the development of this robotic platform. Moreover, each sub-project in itself can be used in many other technologies. A brief description of each of the sub-projects and their role in the project is explained below. Some applications of each of these sub-projects are also mentioned to justify that they can be used in many ways.

Voice Recognition and Serial Communication

Voice is the most natural and easiest way of communication because it doesn't need the push of a button like a remote control, for example. We want our platform to be able to interact with its environments as easily as possible and there is no other way of doing it other than voice. Voice controlled system has many advantages, one of which is the ability to easily extend the system to multiple languages without the need to add extra cost to the product. There aren't that many robotic platform that uses the voice technology because it is not that reliable and part of the reason is the use of inexpensive technologies. We are tackling these issues by limiting our recognition space (limiting what can be recognized and what cannot be). This increases the performance of our system drastically because the search space has been truncated down only those that are needed. This means that our system is efficient as well as inexpensive, giving developers the chance to build their own platform using our blocks.

We chose to use voice recognition in our design to initiate a task or a request. The flow chart below shows the over all voice recognition system.

Flow chart voice recognition

The above flow chart shows how we get the speech data from (from the mic) and what we do with it. We get the speech from the mic, we compare it with our acoustic, language, sentence model, and then we send the data back to our common data bus, which is received by all the other modules. Now, depending on the source and destination, the appropriate module will consume this data. As you can see this is the entry point in our system. The images below shows how voice recognition in general works.

How voice recognition works

How voice recognition works

How voice recognition works

The images illustrates the different stages of the recognition system. It is a complex system, but to sum up, we basically speak using microphone which is captured and processed by the sound engine (pocketsphinx in our case), compared with different models (acoustic models, language model, dictionary model, etc), and then the best match is returned as a complete sentence, which can then be used as needed. The database/acoustic/language models are the key parameters because they decide the performance of the system. Depending on these models and depending on the accent of each individual (the way a person talks) the performance varies. Hence, customization is required for an accepted performance. Customization can be done at many level. Acoustic models can be trained for specific purpose (for example different language). Language and Dictionary model can be trained for small projects that require high performance. We have chosen to use the open source voice recognition engine 'pocketsphinx' that is developed at the Carnegie Melon University (CMU). The reason is that it is lightweight, uses less resources, highly customizable, very efficient and most important of all, it is meant to be used in devices with less resources such as the BeagleBone development board that we are using in our project. We require high performance. Hence, to make the system more efficient we have trained our own language and dictionary model. The result of this is a more robust product with increased efficiency and performance. The images below shows a small part of our language model.

Vocabulary model

Language model

Dictionary model

Many different commands (tasks) can be constructed from the vocabulary model shown in the first figure(for example, Arm move, Arm point, Move glass, Put glass, etc). The second figure shows the associated language model for this vocabulary, and the third figure shows the mapping between a word and it's corresponding phoneme. Using these models constraints the voice recognition system to only recognize those sentences that can be constructed from all the possible permutations of the words available in the vocabulary model. Since, there are a few meaningful sentences and each of them sounds different, this elevates the performance and the efficiency of the system, making it the most suitable communication tool for our platform.

This block (module) can be used with other platforms as well. For example, this can be used to automate a house using voice communication, as a universal remote control for all the electronics (television, computer, etc). It can also be integrated into an automobile (such as cars). The applications of this technology are endless.

Vision and Image Processing

Computer Vision is a field that includes methods of acquiring, processing, analyzing and understanding images in real word in order to produce data that the computer understands. We are using computer vision so that the robot arm gains the ability to “see” its environment and process it so that the robot arm can interact with the environment.
There are many techniques to perform computer vision. Color tracking and shape tracking has been chosen because of the nature of its image processing algorithm. They are not very taxing in CPU and RAM resources. But considering that the image processing will run on Beaglebone development board, the CPU and RAM resources will be very limited. Having said that, there are issues that affect the reliability of color and shape tracking algorithms.
Color Tracking suffers from dynamic lighting. The color of an object is affected by the brightness of the room where the object is situated. If the object is not well lit, the darker the color of the object will be. Initially, the project will be situated at a kitchen where the light does not change dramatically. So the only solution to this so far is that the algorithm has to be calibrated properly to the rooms lighting conditions.

Shape tracking with only one camera produces problematic errors with 3D objects. For instance, a cube viewed on the top looks like a square, but when it is viewed on one of its corner, it looks like a hexagon. The good news is that we only aim to process simple shapes and most of the time, the robotic arm most of the time will view the object at the top. The bad news is that since the design decision that we will only use 1 camera to do computer vision prevents me from doing computer vision in order to process depth. So why did we use only one camera if depth is needed to reach an object? The answer to that is that the computer vision only gives the (x,y) coordinates and the depth will be given by a laser sensor. Therefore, no image processing is done when the robot wants to find how far the object is. The image below shows how our vision module works.

How our Veesion module works

A flow chart below shows how the CV (color vision) algorithms in general work.

How image recognition works

The approach I took that sets me different than other image processing technique is that using the more simple algorithms I am order to N objects having N different colors. Using shape tracking, I am able to identify M objects having M different shapes. Combining these two algorithm, I am able to identify NxM different objects with N different colors and M different shapes. But that is not the special part, the special part is I am delegating the acquisition of depth outside the image processing algorithm so that the shape and color algorithm is not as taxing in CPU and RAM resources so that we are able to run these two algorithms on the Beaglebone Black development board.

The figures below shows how the camera locates the object and finds its coordinates.

The original image

The masked image

The final output

As can be seen, the first figure shows the original image that is seen by the camera. Our algorithm then makes a mask of the image for the object of interest, which is shown in the second figure. Lastly, it uses the algorithm to locate the object's position in the image coordinate system. This coordinate is then sent out to the master block (module) of our design to be used to move to the target position.

Apart from this project, this module could be used in many ways. For example, it could be used to detect the presence of someone inside a room, thereby turning on the light (home automation).

Sensor and Mapping

Computer vision is a field of robotics that is much in need of a new breakthrough. Point cloud based vision systems do offer a great way to gather location data from your surroundings. Combined with a camera, they can be a great asset to any robotics project. One major downside to this system is development time. Development time is long because there isn’t a lot of information out there on how one can create their own system. The worst part is that you can’t even buy a preconfigured system, other than say the Kinect, though the Kinect suffers from range limitations. Imagine how much time it would save you by offloading the development time for this sensor. How about every onboard sensor? See where I’m going with this? One could develop a complete advanced working robot in just weeks. This is what we are now striving to achieve at VRobotics.
Our approach to this problem is to use a cheap low-cost high performance arm platform for processing sensor inputs. Some examples are the Beaglebone Black, Raspberry Pi, etc. In the case of the beaglebone black, you have ample amounts of processing power (1 GHz processor with 512MB Ram), and all for around $50. We will be offering these smart sensor modules (bot block sensors), all for a cost that is only marginally higher than the sensor itself, with the primary benefit of cutting development time.
Unfortunately, the cost of laser range sensors (like the urg-04lx) will be difficult to change with the current market. Some sensors can be upwards of $1500. The way we see it, as a result of Point Cloud processing being more easily accessible, the demand for Range scanners will increase. This will eventually force manufacturers to develop products that are more cost friendly. What sets our point cloud block apart from the rest is that it is ready to go right out of the box. It uses a serial interface to transmit 3D maps. The brain and all internal processes are hidden out of sight and out of mind…so you can focus on your project.
We are happy to announce that we have achieved our goals. The point cloud system is able to obtain a point cloud, process it, and send it via serial. We are very happy with the results and believe it holds great potential in the world of robotics.

A flow chart of our VeeCloud system is shown below:


Inverse Kinematics and Movement

This specific subsystem deals with planning out the motion of the arm not only to make the arm reach its desired destination but also to make sure that the arm does not find itself in compromising situations whereby its movement are going to be hindered. The flow chart for this system is shown below:


Any robotic platform that requires any form of automated response to a change in its environment will have to have an inverse kinematic system. The challenge posed by our current robotic arm is not only that due to the amount of links it has, there are several configurations to take into account but also since it is a modular robot, at least a significant amount of models have to be considered for any given amount of modules connected. Therefore there is going to be 2 links and 3 links configuration and using the encoders available, we would therefore be able to determine which configuration the arm is in and the arm will know which inverse kinematic set to use. Also collision detection is another aspect being worked on currently and progress is being made when dealing with motion of the arm within the range of the arm itself since there is a region close to the origin whereby the arm cannot reach. Such an example being tackled is when the arm gets too close to the origin of the coordinate frame. In which case points which would then be going through a region inaccessible to the arm in order to get to one which can be accessed, the points whose value are imaginaries are then made to go through the same motion except on the surface of an artificial sphere modelled to make sure to get around this problem.
If we switch the whole frame into a spherical coordinate system, the end effector would go through the same azimuth and zenith angle though the radius in question would change and match that of an artificially created sphere.
The inverse kinematics is computed using a python script and is cross referenced with MATLAB and Mathematica codes. Some of the results are shown in Figures below:

Inverse kinematics flow diagram

Inverse kinematics showing min and max range of the arm in 2D

Inverse kinematics showing min and max range of the arm in 3D

Inverse kinematics solution

As you can see, the last figure shows the solution to the inverse kinematics.

Arm Design and Hardware Integration

Our robotic arm is different than any other arms in the sense that it has more flexibility due to more number of links. The total length of the arm is 1.3 meter!. Most robotic arms are half of that and contains only two links (3 joints). Our arm offers 6 DOF and uses AX-18 servos for better performance.

Images ( Setup/Schematics/Results)

Latest Simulations & Results

Some of the latest results we have obtained are shown below:

Voice recognition with improved accuracy. We have increased the performance by a huge margin after making our own custom module. Now it recognizes with more accuracy and faster.

Voice recognition, improved

The figure below shows communication between two blocks (the vision module and the voice recognition module) and inverse kinematics calculation.

 Two blocks integrated results

We can see that command are recognized in the voice recognition block (module). It then sends that data to the vision module, which locates the green block (the second command in the image) and finds its 2D position in the image. It then sends the position back to the voice recognition module in a frame. The frame starts with a 'Start' flag and ends with an 'End' flag. After the 'Start' flag it specifies the data slot followed by the source (which is James' block for vision, hence 'James'), then followed by the destination ( which is Zaheds block for voice recognition, hence 'Zahed'). We check if this packet is meant for us and then process it, otherwise discard it. With the coordinates we use inverse kinematics (implemented by Jookhun) and find the angles of the 3 joints, which is shown in the figure. These angles are then used to set the arm joints so that the target position is reached and the action executed.

The figure below shows the solved kinematics model for a 1.3 meter, 2-linked, 3-linked, 4-linked arm respectively.

 Solved kinematics model

In the figure we can see the range of the arm (possible positions that it can reach) for different links. We can see that as we increase the number of links (hence joints) of the arms, the arm can reach more position, meaning it has more flexibility. A superimposed image of the three combinations is also shown on the fourth figure of the above figure. Our robotic arm have more than 3 links. So, our design can reach positions that a 3-linked planar robotic arm can't reach.

The figures below shows the design of our final robotic arm.

 Arm design 1

 Arm design 2

 Arm design 3

 Arm design 4

 Arm design 5

The figures above shows the internal communication hardware of the robotic arm, the length of the arm, the joints, and it also shows the arm integrated with a mobile platform. This shows the versatility of our design, that is, it can be used in many platforms whenever required.

The figures below shows some results from sensor and mapping using the laser sensor. These figures demonstrates the problems of transparent objects when the laser scans the room. The transparent objects seems to give wrong information about their position because of scattering, reflection and diffraction.

 laser sensor 1

 laser sensor  2

 laser sensor 3

We see this as a possible issue and the way we are going to handle this is by using opaque objects in the environment instead of transparent.

Old Simulations & results

An application of our design is illustrated in the image below.

Typical environment setup

Voice recognition showing command detected on a screen

Arm on command

Track object command

Plot of data points from Sensor, scan of a room

Sensor data plots

Potential Clients

Our potential clients

Video Demo

The latest video of our project (5 min video) is shown below:

The Adobe Flash Plugin is needed to display this content.

In case the above video doesn't work, here is the link to it:

Our latest 5 minute video

Here is a video demo showing the arm tracking a blue object. Videos are not support by the dokuwiki (we tried), hence please download it to play. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Another video showing arm movement.



  1. Lassonde School of Engineering ( $1000),

Latest Presentation

  • Presentation Nov. 15th, 2013
projects/g3/start.1398828795.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/04/30 03:33 by cse93178

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