====== Grades ====== ====== (Tentative) Weight Distribution ====== | ^ Weight | Note | ^ Midterm Test | 10% | | ^ Assignment | 10% | | ^ Lab Test | 15% | | ^ Project | 15% | | ^ Final Exam | 50% | | You can view your marks [[https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/~roumani/ePost/server/ep.cgi?year=2014-15&term=S&course=3311|here]]. You may obtain feedback on your Labs via the command line by doing: >feedback 3311 Assignment >feedback 3311 Assignment-Report >feedback 3311 Labtest >feedback 3311 labtest-bon >feedback 3311 Project-Report >feedback 3311 Project-Testing If you have any issues with your grade, print out your feedback, add your name and Prism login, write down clearly and precisely where and what your grading issues are, and hand the feedback to your instructor. This must be done within one week from the date the grades are announced. You may also consult with the TA during office hours for further clarification. For any re-grading questions on Lab3 or the Labtest, present your grading sheet and issues during the office hour on Thursday March 12, 5.30-6.30pm. * [[http://www.yorku.ca/secretariat/policies/document.php?document=87|Common Grading Scheme for Undergradate Faculties]] ====== Missing deadlines ====== * If you miss the deadline for the assignment or project, then your grade will be an F. This is because the work is handed out weeks in advance. * If you miss the midterm test of Labtest, your grade will be an F -- unless the official York [[http://wiki.cse.yorku.ca/course_archive/2009-10/F/4312/_media/attending_physician_statement.pdf|attending physician's statement]] is filled out and the physician certifies that you were unable to write due to illness at the time of the Labtest. You must present the Physician's statement to the instructor within two days of the Labtest. Alternative arrangements for the Labtest will then be made. * You are still required to hand in your design document before the Labtest as this is work that was prepared in the weeks preceding the Labtest. If you are ill and will be submitting a physician's statement, please email the instructor with your design document as a PDF before the start of the Labtest. *If you miss the exam you will also be required to hand in a physician's statement. ====== Re-grading ====== If you want your assignment, Lab, Labtest or Project regraded, then within one week of receiving the feedback do the following: * Write out precisely and concisely your concerns. * Staple your written concerns to your feedback document * Return the above to the instructor within one week of receiving your feedback.