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Important Dates

* Last day to approach faculty member regarding possible contract (suggested): January 17, 2014

Last day to submit a contract to the course director: January 22, 2014 (noon).

Last day to complete enrolment in the course (with permission of course director):

for a three unit course: January 31, 2014

for a six unit course: October 25, 2013

(Please note that these dates are set by the Registrar and can't be modified)

Last day to drop a six unit Fall/winter (“Y”) course without receiving a grade: February 14, 2014

Last day to drop a three unit winter term course (“W”) without receiving a grade: March 7 2014

Date of required poster session for winter term 4080 projects: March or first week of April, date TBA.

dates.1386908687.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/12/13 04:24 by wildes

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