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start [2014/01/03 14:40] hjstart [2014/12/21 22:06] hj
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 ~~NOTOC~~ ~~NOTOC~~
-====== EECS3221Z (W14OPERATING SYSTEM FUNDAMENTALS  ======+====== EECS2602Z (W15Signals and Systems in Continuous Time  ======
 ===== Description  ===== ===== Description  =====
-This course is intended to teach students the fundamental concepts that underlie operating systems, including multiprogrammingconcurrent processesCPU schedulingdeadlocksmemory managementfile systems, protection and securityMany examples from real systems are given to illustrate the application of particular concepts. At the end of this course, student will be able to understand the principles and techniques required for understanding and designing operating systems.+The course introduces continuous-time (analogue) signals including an analysis and 
 +design of continuous-time systems. After reviewing core concepts in complex 
 +numberstrigonometryand functionsthe course considers three alternate 
 +representations (differential equationsimpulse responseand Laplace/Fourier 
 +transfer function) for lineartime invariant (LTI) systems in the continuous-time 
 +domainThe analysis of LTI systems is covered for each of the three 
 +representations. Frequency-selective filters are introduced as special class of LTI 
 +systems for which design techniques are covered. Applications of continuous-time systems in communications and controls are also presented.
 ===== Announcements ===== ===== Announcements =====
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 ===== Lecture Times ===== ===== Lecture Times =====
-  * Section Z: Tuesdays 14:30 16:00, **@CB 115**.+  * Section Z: Wednesdays 14:00 17:00, **@LSB 106**.
 ===== Instructor ===== ===== Instructor =====
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 ===== TA ===== ===== TA =====
-  * Mr. Xiwen Chen (emailxiwenc AT cse DOT yorku DOT ca) +  * Mr. Xu, Mingbin (Emailxxxx AT cse DOT yorku DOT ca) 
-  * Mr. Yangtuo (Tim) Peng (Email: tim AT cse DOT yorku DOT ca)+  * Mr. Ayala Charca, Giancarlo (Email: gcayala AT cse DOT yorku DOT ca)
start.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/05 17:35 by hj

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