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percent Set by Due date* Return by
Assignment 1 5% Jan 7 Jan 22; Feb 10 Feb 12 Feb 26
Project @ 10% Feb 12 Feb 23 Mar 2; Mar 13 23 Mar 27
Assignment 2# 5% Mar 20 Apr 10 Apr 30

* Due date: by midnight (11:59pm) of the specified day.


  1. Some hints for you to program the project: here. A binary linux code for the FCFS scheduler is posted here for you to debug your code. Please download it and run it from your prism account. You are better to first use some simple cpu load files, like this, to debug and test your code.
  2. I have posted a sample code for the FCFS scheduler. You may download it to debug your own code before you start for the remaining two schedulers. Please note you CANNOT use my code as template for the rest two schedulers. In that case, you will not be able to pass the similarity test. Similarly, I have posted two binary codes for you to debug your RR and FBQ schedulers: rr and fbq.

# Some hints for assignment two: download here. Furthermore, two testing scripts are posted for you to test your code to see if race conditions happens: and

assignments.1427466500.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/27 14:28 by hj

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