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Lecture notes

  • Week 6 (3-side/page, 6-slide/page, 2-slide/page) – Process Synchronization (I): critical-section problem & example, bakery algorithm, Peterson’s solution. (chapter 5.1-5.3)
  • Week 9 (3-side/page,6-slide/page,2-slide/page) - Memory Management (II): paging, segmentation, examples. (chapter 8.4 -8.8)
  • Week 10 (3-side/page, 6-slide/page,2-slide/page) – Virtual Memory: demand paging, replacement, thrashing. (chapter 9)
  • Week 11 (3-side/page, 6-slide/page, 2-slide/page) – Protection and Security. (chapter 14-15)
lecture_notes.1394728085.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/13 16:28 by hj