====== Grades ====== **Mid-term Exam** Mid-term will be 80 minutes long (see Schedule, Lecture notes for details). The scope of the exam will be the materials covered in the class including the assignments and lab projects though no Python questions would be asked. You are allowed to bring a double sided hand-written sheet with important formulas to the exam. You may also bring a calculator. No other material will be allowed. **Grades** The weight distribution of the course components is as follows: * 10% - Assignments * 10% - Quizzes * 25% - Lab Projects * 15% - Midterm * 40% - Final Exam You can view your marks [[https://www.cse.yorku.ca/~roumani/ePost/server/ep.cgi?year=2015-16&term=F&course=3451|here]]. Conversion from numeric to letter grade is applied to the overall mark only and in accordance with the following departmental standard: |F|E|D|D+|C|C+|B|B+|A|A+| |<40|>40|>50|>55|>60|>65|>70|>75|>80|>90| * [[http://www.yorku.ca/secretariat/policies/document.php?document=87|Common Grading Scheme for Undergradate Faculties]]