====== What's New? ====== New announcements will be posted here in reverse chronological order. ---- ==14 Aug.== * Only Registered students are allowed for the Final exam. ==4 Aug.== * Assignment #4 with solutions is uploaded. ==1 Aug.== * Makeup K-N marks are uploaded. * All coursework marks have been uploaded. In case, if you are unable to see/check your marks, email me asap. ==29 July== * Quiz#2 marks are uploaded. ==22 July== * LabN marks are uploaded. ==18 July== * LabM marks are uploaded. ==14 July== * As we discussed in class, Quiz #2 covers Chapters 2 and 3. You may use calculator. ==11 July== * LabL marks are uploaded. ==4 July== * LabK and Makeup A-D marks are uploaded. ==2 July== * Assignment #3 with solutions is uploaded. ==1 July== * Midterm marks are uploaded. ==23 June== * New Office Room LAS 2015 ==22 June== * The correct solution of question C2 of sample midterm is sb $a0 $t0 0xc \\ sb $t0, 0xc($a0) \\ I type ==21 June== * LabD marks are uploaded. ==17 June== * Quiz#1 marks are uploaded. ==10 June== * LabC marks are uploaded. ==8 June== * Quiz #1 covers Chapters 1 and 2. You may use calculator. ==6 June== * LabB marks are uploaded. ==23 May== * LabA marks are uploaded and available via [[https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/~roumani/ePost/server/ep.cgi?year=2015-16&term=S&course=2021L|this]] link. ==20 May== * Assignment #1 with solutions is uploaded. ==13 May== * Quiz #1 will be held on 8 June. * Quiz #2 will be held on 20 July. ==12 May== * Use submit command to ckeck your submitted files for lab A: submit -l 2021L PreA