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Course Outline

The course outline is a guideline to topics that will be discussed in the course, and when they will be discussed:

week Lecture Laboratory TutorialReading
1IntroductionGeneral Information- Chapter-1
2H/S Design 1 (General-Purpose Processors)Introduction and how to use port A and B (keypad and 7-segment LED display of Dragon12 board)T1 Chapter-3
3H/S Design 2 (Peripherals)Continuation of last Lab T2 Chapter-4
4H/S Design 3 (Memory)How to use LCD, DIP and Debounce Switches of Dragon12 board)T3
5H/S Design 4 (Interfacing and multitasking)Continuation of last Lab T4 Chapter-6
6A/D Design 1 (Sensors ` Actuators)Real Time Interrupts. Combine Lab 1 and 2 to create a fully functional calculator- Chapter-2
7No Lecture (Reading Week)No Lab--
8Midterm, A/D Design 3 (ADCs and DACs)Continuation of last Lab -Chapter-2
9CES Design 1 ( Design Technologies )PWM and SCI Communication-Chapter 2
10Embedded Control SystemContinuation of last Lab 1-Chapter-9
11CES Design 2 ( FSM, Concurrent process models) Project-Chapter-8
12IES Design 1 ( IC technologies and Design Technology)Project-Chapter-11
13Embedded System Design (Example 1) “ time permitting”Project-Chapter-7
T1Introduction to HCS12 MCU and Dragon 12 Development board Introduction to MCU peripherals How to use CodeWarrior, What is D-Bug12?, What is Serial Monitor? BDM?, Flashing MCU, How to read data-sheets and manuals
T2How to use PortA and PortB How to use 7-segment LED display on Dragon12 board How to use Keypad module of Dragon12 board How to use Dragon12 LCD How to use Debounce switches on Dragon12 board How to use DIP switches on Dragon12 board Integer operations Floating point operations What is soft floating point?
T3Interrupts How to program interrupts in CodeWarrior for HCS12 Sample program using RTI Sample program using SCI Sample Program doing Motor control
T4PWM and Servo integration ATD and Infrared Range Sensor integration SCI and communication to Computer, Bluetooth or XBee Wireless module

Week 1

Your notes here.

Week 2


Drop Deadline

Week 13

Final Exam

course_outline.1451931878.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/04 18:24 by egz

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