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Course Outline

  • Outline (Lectures, Lab experiments, Tutorials and Readings)
week Lecture Laboratory TutorialReading
1IntroductionGeneral Information- Chapter-1
2H/S Design 1 (Single Purpose/General-Purpose Processors)Lab Information - Chapter-3
3H/S Design 2 (Peripherals)Pre-Lab, Introduction to Lab 1,2- Chapter-4
4H/S Design 3 (Memory)Lab 1,2T1 Chapter 5
5H/S Design 4 (Interfacing and multitasking)Continuation of Lab 1,2 - Chapter-6
6A/D Design 1 (Sensors ` Actuators)Lab 3,4T2 Chapter-2
7No Lecture (Reading Week)No Lab--
8Midterm, A/D Design 3 (ADCs and DACs)Continuation of Lab 3,4-Chapter-2
9CES Design 1 ( Design Technologies )Lab 5,6T3Chapter 2
10Embedded Control SystemContinuation of Lab 5,6 -Chapter-9
11CES Design 2 ( FSM, Concurrent process models) Lab 7,8T4Chapter-8
12IES Design 1 ( IC technologies and Design Technology)Continuation of Lab 7,8 -Chapter-11
13Embedded System Design (Example 1) “ time permitting”Project-Chapter-7
  • T1-T4: Tutorials 1-4
  • Projects

Further information will be provided by Week 7.

Final Exam

course_outline.1463523562.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/17 22:19 by egz

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