====== What's New? ======
**Refresh your pages !!!**
* Apr 18: **Your unofficial grades and your course breakdown are posted. Check from [[https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/~roumani/ePost/server/ep.cgi?year=2015-16&term=W&course=3221|ePost]].**
* Apr 18: Your A2 marks and TA's comments are posted at [[https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/~roumani/ePost/server/ep.cgi?year=2015-16&term=W&course=3221|ePost]].
* Apr 14: Your project marks and TA's comments are posted at [[https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/~roumani/ePost/server/ep.cgi?year=2015-16&term=W&course=3221|ePost]]. I am sorry for the delay in posting these marks. Your final exam's marks and the final grades will be posted very soon.
* April 7: **The final exam is 2.5 hours in duration. It starts from 9:30am at ACW 006 (NOT 9:00am as originally planned). **
* Mar 31: The lecture note for week 10 are posted in [[:lecture_notes|Lecture Notes]]. The 32-bit Linux memory management diagram is shown {{here}}. The memory design problem discussed in class is shown: [[http://www.eecs.yorku.ca/course_archive/2015-16/W/3221/MemoryDesignProblem2.htm|question]] and [[http://www.eecs.yorku.ca/course_archive/2015-16/W/3221/CSE3221-MemoryDesign2.jpg|solution]]. The detailed flow chart to handle a page fault discussed in class is available [[http://www.eecs.yorku.ca/course_archive/2015-16/W/3221/CSE3221-PageFault001.pdf|here]]. The reading list for the final reviews is [[http://www.eecs.yorku.ca/course_archive/2015-16/W/3221/FINAL_reviews.pdf|here]].
* Mar 27: The deadline for A2 is extended to March 30.
* Mar 17: The lecture note for week 9 are posted in [[:lecture_notes|Lecture Notes]].
* Mar 15: The lecture note for week 8 are posted in [[:lecture_notes|Lecture Notes]]. Some hints and testing scripts for A2 are posted [[:assignments|here]] for your reference and use.
* Mar 11: The TA has finished marking your A1 and your marks are posted at [[https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/~roumani/ePost/server/ep.cgi?year=2015-16&term=W&course=3221|ePost]].
* Mar 10: A2 has been posted [[:assignments|here]].
* Mar 8: The lecture note for week 7 are posted [[:lecture_notes|Lecture Notes]].
* Mar 3: The reference solution as well as the marking scheme for the midterm exam is posted here. Please review the solution thoroughly for all of your mistakes made in the exam. If you think the TA didn't mark your exam properly, please download and fill {{:reappraisal.txt|the reappraisal form}}, submit your remarking request to me no later than March 8. Some updates on the project can be found [[:assignments|here]].
* Mar 1: The lecture note for week 6 are posted [[:lecture_notes|Lecture Notes]]. Your midterm marks have been posted and check it at [[https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/~roumani/ePost/server/ep.cgi?year=2015-16&term=W&course=3221|ePost]].
* Feb 25: The first due date of the project is extended to Mar 2.
* Feb 19: **The midterm exam has been scheduled at 2:30-4:00pm on Feb 25 in CLH H** (not the regular classroom).
* Feb 13: A sample of last year's midterm is posted here for your reviews. The reading list for the midterm: **Chapter 1: all sections; Chapter 2: 2.1—2.6, 2.11; Chapter 3: 3.1— 3.4, 3.6.3, 3.7; Chapter 4: 4.1– 4.4, 4.6; Chapter 6: 6.1—6.4, 6.8.**
* Feb 11: Project has been posted [[:assignments|here]]. Some hint information is provided [[:assignments|here]] for the project (Part I).
* Feb 10: The TA has completed marking your a1p code. Your marks and TA's comments are all posted at [[https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/~roumani/ePost/server/ep.cgi?year=2015-16&term=W&course=3221|ePost]].
* Feb 9: The lecture notes for Week 5 are posted [[:lecture_notes|Lecture Notes]]. Some of the programs we studied in the class: {{:thrd_c.txt|thread.c}}, {{:alarm_c.txt|alarm.c}}, {{:alarm_fork_c.txt|alarm_process.c}}, {{:alarm_thread_c.txt|alarm_thread.c}}. More fork and pthread examples reviewed in class: {{:fork_examples.pdf|fork_examples}}, {{:pthread_examples.pdf|pthread_expamples}}.
* Feb 5: The second due date for A1 is extended to Feb 15 due to the lecture schedule.
* Feb 2: The lecture notes for Week 4 are posted [[:lecture_notes|Lecture Notes]].
* Jan 21: The lecture notes for Week 3 are posted [[:lecture_notes|Lecture Notes]].
* Jan 14: Someone found a cell phone in the classroom right after today's lecture. If you lost yours, please contact me or come to my office.
* Jan 12: For you to debug your codes, I post the expected results from your A1 programs for three posted data files: "//wordvector1.txt three four 0.967224 eight seven 0.963336 six seven 0.958044//"; "//wordvector2.txt larger smaller 0.935403 nov oct 0.924471 regiment battalion 0.915803//"; "//wordvector3.txt northeast southwest 0.940975 sixth seventh 0.909454 hip hop 0.895963//".
* Jan 5: The lecture notes for Weeks 1-2 are posted [[:lecture_notes|Lecture Notes]]. Assignment one is posted [[:assignments|here]]. Start your C program review and the first program is due on Jan 20.
* Jan 4: Course web is up. Class starts on Jan 5.12