/* * alarm_fork.c * * This version of alarm.c uses pthread_create to create a * separate thread to wait for each alarm to expire. */ #include <pthread.h> #include "errors.h" typedef struct alarm_tag { int seconds; char message[64]; } alarm_t; void *alarm_thread (void *arg) { alarm_t *alarm = (alarm_t*)arg; int status; status = pthread_detach (pthread_self ()); if (status != 0) err_abort (status, "Detach thread"); sleep (alarm->seconds); printf ("(%d) %s\n", alarm->seconds, alarm->message); free (alarm); return NULL; } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int status; char line[128]; alarm_t *alarm; pthread_t thread; while (1) { printf ("Alarm> "); if (fgets (line, sizeof (line), stdin) == NULL) exit (0); if (strlen (line) <= 1) continue; alarm = (alarm_t*)malloc (sizeof (alarm_t)); if (alarm == NULL) errno_abort ("Allocate alarm"); /* * Parse input line into seconds (%d) and a message * (%64[^\n]), consisting of up to 64 characters * separated from the seconds by whitespace. */ if (sscanf (line, "%d %64[^\n]", &alarm->seconds, alarm->message) < 2) { fprintf (stderr, "Bad command\n"); free (alarm); } else { status = pthread_create ( &thread, NULL, alarm_thread, alarm); if (status != 0) err_abort (status, "Create alarm thread"); } } }