Table of Contents

3311 Winter 2015

Dates Winter 2016


Due Dates and Readings

Week Date Lab (due Wed) Labtest Project Readings (see below)
01 Mon 04 Jan Jan 06: [1]
02 Mon 11 Jan Jan 13: Lab1 OOSC2
03 Mon 18 Jan Jan 20: OOSC2
04 Mon 25 Jan Jan 27: Lab2 OOSC2
05 Mon 01 Feb Jan 06: OOSC2
06 Mon 01 Feb Feb 03: Lab3 OOSC2
07 Mon 08 Feb Feb 01: OOSC2
Mon 15 Feb
08 Mon 22 Feb Feb 25: Labtest OOSC2
09 Mon 29 Feb Mar 02: OOSC2
10 Mon 07 Mar Mar 09: OOSC2
11 Mon 14 Mar Mar 16: OOSC2
12 Mon 21 Mar Lab4 Mar 23: OOSC2
13 Mon 28 Mar Mar 30: Project OOSC2
April 06-20 Exam

EXAM: Mon, 11 Apr 2016 9:00 180 LAS B


[1] See Eiffel Syntax and Eiffel Essentials – The Language and Method (24 pages) at the Eiffel getting started page. The getting started page also has a link to videos and other resources on how to use the IDE to start a new project, add new classes and clusters, compile, execute, browse code, use ESpec, use the debugger and use the IDE to document your code. You should master all these tools and concepts in the first week of the course.

Getting Help

This course is work intensive and it is expected that you will be doing at least 10 hours of work per week.

In the first 6 weeks of the course you will need to master many concepts, tools and techniques for later success in the course. The Labs are designed to help you develop the concepts, tools and techniques needed for the Design work in the LabTest, Project and Exam. In order to provide you with help, and if the resources so permit, it is planned that help will be available at the following times:


You can view your marks here.

You may obtain feedback on your Labs via the command line by doing:

>feedback 3311 Lab1
>feedback 3311 Lab2
>feedback 3311 Lab3
>feedback 3311 Lab4
>feedback 3311 Labtest
>feedback 3111 project 

If you have any issues with your grade, print out your feedback, add your name and Prism login, write down clearly and precisely where and what your grading issues are, and hand the feedback to your instructor. This must be done within one week from the date the grades are announced. You may also consult with the TA during office hours for further clarification.

For each grading unit you are assigned a raw mark score that ranks you in the class. Also, you will be provided with a mapping from your raw mark score to a letter grade. The raw mark score is not a grade as it is merely used to rank you in the class (so, e.g. a raw mark score of 76 might be a C, not a B+, after the mapping is applied). The mapping will be supplied to you at the same time that the grading unit is handed back to you. The final grade is computed from the raw mark scores and maps as shown here.

Missing deadlines


If you want your assignment, Lab, Labtest or Project regraded, then within one week of receiving the feedback do the following: