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projects [2015/08/26 21:55] jarekprojects [2015/12/18 01:07] – Added Heny's project stevenc
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 ====== Proposed Projects for Fall 2015 ====== ====== Proposed Projects for Fall 2015 ======
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-=====Clustering High-Dimensional Data Sets=====+======Peer-to-Peer agent based applications in smart power grids======
-**Supervisor: Suprakash Datta**+**Supervisor:** Hany Farag 
 +Multi-agent systems have been mentioned recently as a potential technology for several operational control objectives in smart power grids. The multi-agents technology allows the rapid and detailed creation of a system model and creates a robust framework for distributed control. The distributed control structure consists of components called control agents. These control agents try, through communication and negotiation with other control agents, to: 1) determine the current state of the system and/or subsystems and 2) make decisions (set their local actuators or communicate with other agents) in such a way that their own objectives are met as closely as possible and any constraints are satisfied. 
 +This project aims to implement formulated distributed constraint optimization (DCOP) in a multi-agent platform for two objectives in smart grids: 1) voltage regulation and 2) electricity market, There are several Java-based open source platforms for peer-to-peer agent based applications e.g. (JADE,  Jadex, Jason,..etc). With the help of the supervisor, the student will choose the platform that suits the required applications. Also, the student will implement the formulated DCOP in the suitable multi-agent platform to test its effectiveness and robustness. Toward that end, an interface between the multi-agent platform in Java environment and the power grid simulator in MATLAB environment is required to transfer the measurements from MATLAB to the multi-agent platform and then transfer the actions from the multi-agent platform to MATLAB in real-time.  
 +The student should be a strong Java and MATLAB programmer. He should have prior knowledge about multi-agent platforms such as JADE. The work involves reading and understanding the formulated DCOP in smart grids and working with the supervisor and master/PhD student(s) to implement the developed algorithms and to measure the performance of the developed algorithm(s) in the multi-agent platform. 
 +For more information, please send email to 
 +Required Background: General CSE408x prerequisites 
 +======Clustering High-Dimensional Data Sets====== 
 +**Supervisor:** Suprakash Datta
 Clustering is a basic technique for analyzing data sets. Clustering is the process of grouping data points in a way that points within a group are Clustering is a basic technique for analyzing data sets. Clustering is the process of grouping data points in a way that points within a group are
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-=====Metaheuristic-based Optimization techniques=====+======Metaheuristic-based Optimization techniques======
-**Supervisor: Suprakash Datta**+**Supervisor:** Suprakash Datta
 Optimization is a crucial step in many computational problems. For computational problems that seem (or are known to be) intractable, metaheuristic-based techniques often work well in practice. These are typically randomized algorithms, often inspired by physical or biological systems. Examples of such algorithms include simulated annealing, genetic algorithms and ant colony optimization. In this project we will focus on particle swarm optimization (PSO), a technique inspired by the search for food by flocks of birds or schools of fish. Briefly, a set (or population) of candidate solutions (called particles) are maintained at all times by the algorithm. These particles move in the search-space using simple rules that make use of the best solutions found so far by the particle as well as by the swarm. Movement of particles result in new particles being generated. The process is repeated until some termination criteria are met and the best solution found is output by the algorithm. While there is no guarantee of optimality, PSO has been shown to produce good or very good solutions for many practical problems. Many variants of PSO's have been proposed. In this problem we will study the performance of some PSO variants on both artificial and real optimization problems. Optimization is a crucial step in many computational problems. For computational problems that seem (or are known to be) intractable, metaheuristic-based techniques often work well in practice. These are typically randomized algorithms, often inspired by physical or biological systems. Examples of such algorithms include simulated annealing, genetic algorithms and ant colony optimization. In this project we will focus on particle swarm optimization (PSO), a technique inspired by the search for food by flocks of birds or schools of fish. Briefly, a set (or population) of candidate solutions (called particles) are maintained at all times by the algorithm. These particles move in the search-space using simple rules that make use of the best solutions found so far by the particle as well as by the swarm. Movement of particles result in new particles being generated. The process is repeated until some termination criteria are met and the best solution found is output by the algorithm. While there is no guarantee of optimality, PSO has been shown to produce good or very good solutions for many practical problems. Many variants of PSO's have been proposed. In this problem we will study the performance of some PSO variants on both artificial and real optimization problems.
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-=====Data visualization in Skydive=====+======Data visualization in Skydive======
-**Supervisor: Jarek Gryz**+**Supervisor:** Jarek Gryz
 Skydive is a prototype system designed for database visualization using a concept of the so called Skydive is a prototype system designed for database visualization using a concept of the so called
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-=====Genome-wide identification of plant micro RNAs===== 
 +======Genome-wide identification of plant micro RNAs======
-**Supervisor: Katalin Hudak**+ 
 +**Supervisor:** Katalin Hudak
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-=====Dynamic Interface Detection and Control Project===== 
-**Supervisor: Michael Jenkin**+======Dynamic Interface Detection and Control Project====== 
 +**Supervisor:** Michael Jenkin
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 ====== DDoS Attack using Google-bots ====== ====== DDoS Attack using Google-bots ======
-**Supervisor**: Ntalija Vlajic+**Supervisor:** Natalija Vlajic
 **Recommended Background**: CSE 3213 or CSE 3214, CSE 3482 **Recommended Background**: CSE 3213 or CSE 3214, CSE 3482
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 ====== Attentive Sensing for Better Two-Way Communication in Remote Learning Environments ====== ====== Attentive Sensing for Better Two-Way Communication in Remote Learning Environments ======
projects.txt · Last modified: 2016/01/13 20:05 by stevenc

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