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whats_new [2016/01/29 19:32] egzwhats_new [2016/04/01 19:59] (current) egz
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 ====== What's New? ====== ====== What's New? ======
 +  * April 1st: Lecture 22-23rd were uploaded.
 +  * March 28th: The procedure of Lab #17 was uploaded.
 +  * March 21th: All lab assignments and related documents were uploaded. 
 +  * **March 19th:** Several typical questions were added the assignments webpage. **The answers will not uploaded. Please work on these assignments and ask you questions in class or in office hour.**
 +  * **March 19th:** All Lectures till #19 were uploaded.
 +  * **March 7th:** The lab assignment of EoG was uploaded.
 +  * **March 3rd:** New Lecture notes were uploaded.
 +  * **Feb. 15th:** __Important reminder about midterm exam was posted in the assignments page__.
 +  * **Feb. 7th:** Lecture 11 and instruction file of Labs( 7-10) were uploaded.
 +  * **Feb. 5th:** Lecture 9 and 10 were uploaded in lecture section
 +  * **  Jan. 30th:** "Semi-" Answers of active filters were uploaded.
   * **  Jan. 29th:** Lectures 7 and 8 were uploaded.   * **  Jan. 29th:** Lectures 7 and 8 were uploaded.
   * **Jan. 24th, 2016:** Lab 5 was uploaded.   * **Jan. 24th, 2016:** Lab 5 was uploaded.
whats_new.txt · Last modified: 2016/04/01 19:59 by egz

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