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Advanced Topics for self-study and Presentation

Advanced Topics for self-study and Presentation

The presentations will be organized into two afternoon sessions: 1-5pm on Nov 25 (Friday) @HNE 037 and 1-5pm on Nov 30 (Wednesday) @LAS3033 .

Each person will make a 20-25 min presentation (including Q&A). To save time, you need to email your PPT to a session chair (to be named) before 10am that day (otherwise, your mark will be deducted).

Nov 25: all presentations NOT related to deep learning. Feng Wei will coordinate the session. Email him your slides by 10am Nov 25. The presentation will take place from 1pm in the following order:

  1. Chao Wang
  2. Yifan Li
  3. Eunkyung Park
  4. Leihan Chen
  5. Feng Wei
  6. Po Wu
  7. Yangguang Li

Nov 30: all presentations related to deep learning. Chao Wang will coordinate the session. Email him your slides by 10am Nov 30. The presentation will take place from 1pm in the following order:

  1. Matthew Tesfaldet
  2. Mahdieh Abbaszadegan
  3. Hemanth Pidaparthy
  4. Jack Wu
  5. Gong Cheng
  6. Hao Li
  7. Meng Jia

The advanced topics include:

presentations.1479506283.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/18 21:58 by hj