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Advanced Topics for self-study and Presentation

Advanced Topics for self-study and Presentation

The presentations will be organized into two afternoon sessions: 1-5pm on Nov 25 (Friday) @HNE 037 and 1-5pm on Nov 30 (Wednesday) @LAS3033 .

Each person will make a 20-25 min presentation (including Q&A). To save time, you need to email your PPT to a session chair (to be named) before 10am that day (otherwise, your mark will be deducted).

Nov 25: all presentations NOT related to deep learning. Feng Wei will coordinate the session. Email him your slides by 10am Nov 25. The presentation will take place from 1pm @HNE 037 in the following order:

  1. Chao Wang
  2. Yifan Li
  3. Eunkyung Park
  4. Leihan Chen
  5. Feng Wei
  6. Po Wu
  7. Yangguang Li

Nov 30: all presentations related to deep learning. Chao Wang will coordinate the session. Email him your slides by 10am Nov 30. The presentation will take place from 1pm @LAS3033 in the following order:

  1. Matthew Tesfaldet
  2. Mahdieh Abbaszadegan
  3. Hemanth Pidaparthy
  4. Jack Wu
  5. Gong Cheng
  6. Hao Li
  7. Meng Jia

The advanced topics include:

presentations.1480282747.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/27 21:39 by hj

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