====== Course Outline ====== The course outline is a guideline to topics that will be discussed in the course, and when they will be discussed: ==== Week 1 Jan 11, 2017 ==== Lecture 1 {{:week_1.pdf|Introduction}} Read the C book Chapter 1 --> 1.4 Read Chapter 1 of Practical Programming in the UNIX Environment (ignore printing commands). ---- ---- ---- ==== Week 2 Jan 18, 2017 ==== Lecture 2 {{:lecture_1_io.pdf|I/O}} lab 2 (see Labs tab) ---- ---- ---- ==== Week 3 Jan 25, 2017 ==== Your notes here {{:week_3.pdf|Arrays and Pointers}} lab 3 ---- ---- ---- ==== Week 4 Feb 1 ==== {{:wweek_4.pdf|File access, random numbers and testing}} Lab 4 ---- ---- ---- ==== Week 5 Feb 8 ==== Lab test 1 {{:week_5_functions.pdf|Functions and scope}} ---- ---- ---- ==== Week 6 Feb 15 ==== {{:week_6_structs.pdf|structs}} lab 5 ---- ---- ---- ==== Week 7 Feb 22 ==== Reading week ---- ---- ---- ==== Week 8 March 1 ==== lab 6 here is the {{:list.c|list.c}} program we discussed in the lecture. ---- ---- ---- ==== Week 9 March 8 ==== Lab test 2 here is last year {{:lab_test_2_a.pdf|Lab test 2}}. This is just to practice. This year latest may or may not be similar, or cover the same topic. {{:week_6_fun_ptr.pdf|poniters to function}} Introduction to Linux and shells{{:shell_part_1.pdf|}} ---- ---- ---- ==== Week 10 March 15 ==== Shell {{:shell_part_2.pdf|part 2}} Lab 7 Here is the file we discussed in {{:search.txt|}}the class.Change the extension (or leave it as is). Replace sc_has with the pattern you are searching for and try it out. Modify the code to search for a patter that is entered as a command line argument Here is {{:labtest2.pdf|}} here is the solution for the "date" question{{:mydate.txt|mydate.txt}} has to be txt because I could not upload .sh ---- ---- ---- ==== Week 11 March 22 ==== shell {{:shell_part_3.pdf|part 3}} Lab 8 ---- ---- ---- ==== Week 12 March 29 ==== Lab test 3 {{:new_sed.pdf|sed}} here is last year {{:lab_test_3_a.pdf|Test}} ---- ---- ---- ==== Week 13 April 5 ==== There is a lecture on Wednesday. It is a review and what to expect in the final. The final is both written and lab. **Section A(1) will be in the lecture hall for the written part 9:00-10:30 and in the lab 10:30-12** **Section B(2) will be in the lab 9:00-10:30 and in the lecture hall 10:30-12:00** **__Change of plans: All student will write the final 9:10:30 in LAS C and the lab part 10:30-12:00__** here is lab test 3 {{:test3.pdf|section A }} and here is the solution for question 3 {{:stud.txt|}} lab {{:lab_test_1_a.pdf|test 1}} ---- ---- ----