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The Authoring App

The Authoring App allows educators to create and save scenarios.

Its GUI must allow the user to customize the scenario as they see fit.

Official Player app

Information on the official Player app and its file format will be posted here as soon as it is available.

Audio Support

The Authoring app must allow the user to specify audio files to be part of the scenario.

You will need to support two options:

  1. Incorporate audio files that have been created with other apps
  2. Provide facility to record audio using the computer’s built-in microphone

Authoring Submission Details

Rubric will be posted under Evaluation.

Five grade components

  1. Requirements document
  2. Design Document
  3. Testing document
  4. User Manual
  5. Implementation

Authoring Submission Process

To be posted.


1. Create a .zip or .jar that contains the following:

  1. All grade components including the code
  2. A README.txt that
  • Explains the contents of the zip file
  • Provides a link to your github repository

2. Email the zip file to by 11:59pm on Mar 7

  • Only one email per team
  • Include your team number in the subject

3. Each student must also send me a private email with an assessment of their teammates’ contributions


authoring.1488916656.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/07 19:57 by bil