====== Important Dates ====== * Midterm Exam: * Final Exam: " Will be announced" * All lab reports and assignments should be delivered to TA * Only hard copies are accepted. * Deadlines can be seen below. |Pre-Lab report 1,2,3 and 4| Before the beginning of Lab, Week 3,5,8 and 10| |Lab Report 1,2,3,4|Before the beginning of Lab, Week 5,8,10 and 13| |Project's Proposal| Week 5th, Before the beginning of Lab| |Project's devices| Week 8th, Before the beginning of class, Tuesday| |Midterm| Week 8, Thursday| |Final Report| April 17 9-10am| |Live Demonstration of Project| Week 12, 13 and April 8th| |Delivery of file of Video, program and final report| April 17th at 9-10am|