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important_dates [2017/01/30 18:02] egzimportant_dates [2017/02/08 00:51] egz
Line 4: Line 4:
   * Midterm Exam:    * Midterm Exam: 
   * Final Exam: " Will be announced"   * Final Exam: " Will be announced"
 +  * All lab reports and assignments should be delivered to TA
 +  * Only hard copies are accepted.
 +  * Deadlines can be seen below.
-|Pre-Lab report 1,2,3 and4| Before the beginning of Lab, Week 3,5,8 and 10| + 
-|Lab Report 1,2,3,4|Before the beginning of Lab, Week 5,7,10 and 12+ 
-|Project's Proposal| Week 4th,Friday at 4pm|+ 
 +|Pre-Lab report 1,2,3 and 4| Before the beginning of Lab, Week 3,5,8 and 10| 
 +|Lab Report 1,2,3,4|Before the beginning of Lab, Week 5,8,10 and 13
 +|Project's Proposal| Week 5th, Before the beginning of Lab| 
 +|Midterm| Week 8Thursday|
 |Final Report| Final Exam| |Final Report| Final Exam|
 |Live Demonstration of Project| Week 13| |Live Demonstration of Project| Week 13|
 |Video of Project| Final Exam| |Video of Project| Final Exam|
important_dates.txt · Last modified: 2017/04/04 21:11 by egz

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