Table of Contents

3311 Winter 2015

Dates Winter 2017


Grading of the Labs is divided into two parts. E.g. for Lab1, (1) your submitted code/design is tested with a grading script (2%) and (2) your written Report.pdf (submitted via Moodle) is graded by the TA (1%). The total of the two components is 3%.

Due Dates and Readings

Before doing Lab1, you will want to familiarize yourself with Eiffel, the Eiffel Method and the EiffelStudio IDE. See here.

Labs are due on Mondays by 1pm (strict). For example, you are provided Lab1 on Monday 9th of January. It must be submitted by 1pm, Mon 16th of January. Quiz1 is during the Lab hour on Monday 16th of January and will be on Lab1, the class work and readings of the previous week.



This course is work intensive and it is expected that you will be doing at least 9 hours of work per week.

At times (e.g. in the Project) you are allowed to work on your own or in a team of at most two. If you are working with a partner, be sure to create a shared storage area (e.g. a private GitHub repository) where you both have access to the design/code. You will want to ensure that you each understand the other's work. In case a partner withdraws from the course or does not contribute, you are still responsible to ensure that you submit the work for the complete project on your own (with an explanation of the context in which this happened).


You can view your marks here.

You may obtain feedback on your Labs via the command line by doing:

>feedback 3311 Lab1
>feedback 3311 quiz1

The grade for your Lab Reports will be available on Moodle.

For each grading unit you are assigned a raw mark score that ranks you in the class. Also, you will be provided with a mapping from your raw mark score to a letter grade. The raw mark score is not a grade as it is merely used to rank you in the class (so, e.g. a raw mark score of 76 might be a C, not a B+, after the mapping is applied). The mapping will be supplied to you at the same time that the grading unit is handed back to you. The final grade is computed from the raw mark scores and maps as shown here.

Missing deadlines


If you have any issues with your grade, whether on your Labs, Quizzes, Lab Reports, etc, please print out your feedback, add your name and Prism login, write down clearly and precisely where and what your grading issues are, and hand the feedback to your instructor. This must be done within one week from the date the grades are announced. Your request must spell out the relevant part or section of the assignment what grade you did get, and what you feel your grade should be for that part.

If you want your Quiz, Lab, or Project regraded, then within one week of receiving the feedback do the following: