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Academic Honesty

Academic Honesty in EECS at York

In Labs, students are allowed to discuss the problem requirements together but are expected to do the work (the solution) that they submit on their own and totally independently of anyone else.

It is not acceptable to discuss solutions or partial solutions to a problem, except on the forum where the instructor can monitor the discussion.

It is not acceptable to discuss solutions or partial solutions to a problem. In the Project, members of the team may collaborate, but they may not use work from other teams.

A clear case of plagiarism exists if a student passes off someone else's work as their own. Examples of such behavior include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • A group of students each performing a separate part of an assignment. Each student in the group then hands in the cumulative effort as their own work.
  • A student making cosmetic alterations to another's work and then handing it in as their own.
  • A student has another person complete an assignment and then they hand it in as their own.
  • A student handing in (as their own) a solution to an assignment performed by someone else from a previous offering of the course.
  • It is not acceptable to use a full or partial solution obtained from or by another through any means (verbal, written, electronic, etc.), without that person's permission.
  • It is not acceptable to re-submit an assignment from another course or a previous offering of the same course.
  • It is not acceptable to make a solution available as an aid to others.
  • Working together does not constitute a satisfactory reason for submitting exactly the same or very similar work.
honesty/start.1451876214.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/04 02:56 by jonathan