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Significant dates Fall 2017

  • Thursday, 7 September: classes start
  • Thursday, 26 October to Sunday 29 October: Fall Reading Days
  • Friday, 10 November: Drop date
  • Tuesday, 5 December: Last day to submit term work
  • Thursday, 30 November: Classes end for EECS4312 (Monday, 4 December, official end of classes)
  • December 6 -21: Exams
  • Jan 4: Winter term starts


The weight distribution of the course components is as follows:

  • 35% – Weekly Labs/Quizzes.
    • You are required to attend each Lab hour.
    • You must submit completed Lab work each week, starting with Lab1, to receive a grade on the lab/quiz of that week.
    • Most (or all) weeks there will be a mandatory Quiz in each Lab hour. Quizzes will be on PVS or TLA work done in Labs from prior weeks, required readings from REMH and the lectures. You must submit the completed Lab work and then take the Quiz to receive a grade.
    • It is likely that there will be 8 quizzes. Each Quiz will have a weight of somewhere between 3% to 5%.
  • 10% – Assignment
  • 25% – Project (two phases)
  • 30% – Test

Missing deadlines

  • If you miss the deadline for a Quiz (and its associated Lab submission), the Assignment, the Project or the Test, then your grade is an F.
  • The Assignment and the Project are handed out well in advance of the due date. Thus you are expected to meet the deadline (unless there is a documented lengthy illness).
  • If you miss a weekly Quiz, your grade will be an F – unless the official York attending physician's statement is filled out in detail and the physician certifies that you were unable to write due to illness at the time of the quiz. You must inform the instructor immediately that you cannot write the Quiz, and you must email the Physician's statement to the instructor the day after the Quiz. Alternative arrangements for the Quiz grade will then be made. Similar requirements apply to the Test.


If you have any issues with your grade, whether on your Labs, Quizzes, Lab Reports, etc, please print out your feedback, add your name and Prism login, write down clearly and precisely where and what your grading issues are, and hand the feedback to your instructor. This must be done within one week from the date the grades are announced. Your request must spell out the relevant part or section of the assignment what grade you did get, and what you feel your grade should be for that part.

If you want your Quiz, Lab, or Project regraded, then within one week of receiving the feedback do the following:

  • Write out precisely and concisely your concerns.
  • Staple your written concerns to your feedback document
  • Return the above to the instructor within one week of receiving your feedback.

Your written concerns will be returned to the TA who graded that unit. Once a TA has had a chance to review your concerns, they will inform you of the results. The discussion will be limited to the issues raised in your written submission. If you are still not satisfied, arrange for a joint meeting with the TA and the course instructor.


You can view your marks here.

For each grading unit you are assigned a raw mark score that ranks you in the class. Also, you will be provided with a mapping from your raw mark score to a letter grade. The raw mark score is not a grade as it is merely used to rank you in the class (so, e.g. a raw mark score of 76 might be a C, not a B+, after the mapping is applied). The mapping will be supplied to you at the same time that your assignment is handed back to you. The final grade is computed from the raw mark scores and maps as shown here.

The meaning of the letter grades assigned by the mapping is givenhere.


grades.1504744933.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/09/07 00:42 by jonathan

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