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Course Announcements

January 4, 2018

Start of classes for EECS 3221 Winter 2018.

Lecture notes for the next few classes will be posted in the CSE3221 course directory on red: /cs/course/3221

The topics for Assignment 1 will be made available in the file /cs/course/3221/3221_topics

The topic study slides and the topic study report are due on the last day to hand in term work, that is, Thursday April 5, 2018, 23:59.

You are required to hand in hard copies, and electronic copies of all assignments. The required format for presentation slides and reports for all assignments is PDF. Please use the “submit” command to submit electronic copies of all assignments, including topic studies presentation slides and reports, programming assignment reports and source code, etc., to the course directory /cs/course/3221/submit. Use the command “man submit” to learn how to use the “submit” command.

The EECS 3221 midterm test will be held at the following time:

Time: Thursday February 15, 2018, 18:30-20:00

Location: CLH D

The Midterm Test will cover the following:

a) Chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Operating System Concepts” 9th Edition.

b) All the slides in OS_ch1.pdf, OS_ch2.pdf, OS_ch3.pdf, OS_ch4.pdf, OS_ch5.pdf - as well as all the material covered in the lectures up to and including the Tuesday February 13, 2017 lecture. Please make sure that you have the most up-to-date version of the lecture notes.

It is possible that the Midterm Test may include true/false questions, questions that require short answers, questions that require calculations, questions that may require the drawing of diagrams, questions that require slightly longer answers, questions that may require the writing of short programs using pseudo C code similar to that used throughout the textbook, and other possible question formats.

- Please note that, in order to make sure that everyone in the class gets exactly the same information regarding the midterm and final exam, the instructor will not answer individual e-mail questions regarding what will be on and what will not be on the midterm and final exam, because that would not be fair to those students who do not receive such information. - If you have any questions related to the midterm or final exam, please ask such questions during the lectures.

Please note that course component marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to, then typing the following command:

courseInfo 3221 2017-18 W

Reading the first 4 chapters, that is, pages 1-129, of the book “Programming with POSIX Threads” by David R. Butenhof (This book is currently on reserve at Steacie Science Library, Call Number QA 76.76 T55 B88 1997), will not only be helpful for understanding the material on POSIX Threads in Chapter 4 of the textbook, but will also be important for doing the second assignment.

Regarding Assignment 1 (Topic Study):

Each group is required to have 4 students currently enrolled in the class. (Unfortunately, students who are on the waiting list cannot form a group with other students to reserve a topic.)

Topics are “First-Come-First-Served”. After organizing a group with the required number of students, each group may send by e-mail to the instructor the list of the student names in the group, and reserve one of the topics below. Please note that only a whole group of 4 students can reserve a topic.

Please also note that the deadline for forming a group of 4 students and reserving a topic is Monday January 22, 2018, 23:59.

Topics are to be presented in the same order of the time of reservation of the topics. If a group is the first group to select and reserve a topic, then that group will be the first group to present their reserved topic.

For each presentation date, the topic title and the names of the students in the group will be listed.

For all students that have not joined a group and selected a topic by the deadline of Monday January 22, 2018, 23:59, such students will be randomly assigned to groups, and each of such groups will be randomly assigned to one of the available topics, and the topic presentation dates will also be randomly assigned.

Please note that the same groups for Assignment 1 (Topic Study) will also be used for completing Assignment 2 and Assignment 3, which are programming assignments.

January 22, 2018

IBM is looking to fill two positions, one a full time regular position, another an internship position:

1. Type=JobDetails&partnerid=26059&siteid=5016&AReq=121966BR#jobDetails=133579 _5016 []

2. Type=JobDetails&partnerid=26059&siteid=5016&AReq=120478BR#jobDetails=131966 _5016 []

January 30, 2018

EECS 3221 Assignment 2 has been posted in the course directory /cs/course/3221/3221assgn2_W18.pdf

The due date of EECS 3221 Assignment 2 is Tuesday February 27, 6:30 p.m.

Each group is required to hand in both a hard copy and an electronic copy of the following:

1. A written report that identifies and addresses all the important aspects and issues in the design and implementation of the programs for the problem described above.

2. The C source programs.

3. A “Test_output” file containing the output of any testing your group has done.

4. A “makefile” file to make it easier for the marker to compile and run your group’s program.

5. A “README” file explaining how to compile and run your group’s program.

Each group is required to use the utility “submit” to submit the electronic version of the above 5 files plus the “errors.h” file to the course directory /cs/course/3221/submit/a2 (The file “errors.h” should be included among the files submitted so that the marker can test whether your group’s programs can compile and run correctly or not.)

Important Warning:

Only submitting an electronic copy of your assignment is not enough! If you fail to submit a hard copy of your assignment on or before the due date, your assignment will receive a grade of ‘F’.

Evaluation of the Assignment

1. The report part of your assignment (50%) will be evaluated according to:

(a) Whether all important design and implementation aspects and issues of your programs related to the problem above have been identified and appropriately addressed.

(b) How well you have justified your design decisions.

© The quality of your design.

(d) How well you have designed and explained the testing.

(e) The clarity, and readability of the report.

2. The program and testing part of your assignment (50%) will be evaluated according to:

(a) The quality of the design and implementation of your programs.

(b) The quality of the testing of your programs.

© Whether your programs satisfy the Additional Requirements in section C above.


Please note that the requirements specified in section A. Description of the Assignment above, are the minimum requirements that must be satisfied by your program. Obviously, there are many other possible details of the alarm system that have been left unspecified. It is your responsibility to make appropriate design and implementation choices concerning the unspecified details of the alarm system, and justify those decisions in your report

February 12, 2018

The EECS 3221 midterm test will be held at the following time:

Time: Thursday February 15, 2018, 18:30-20:00

Location: CLH D

(Please note that the midterm test location is not the same as the regular lecture room location.)

The Midterm Test will cover the following:

a) Chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Operating System Concepts” 9th Edition.

b) All the slides in OS_ch1.pdf, OS_ch2.pdf, OS_ch3.pdf, OS_ch4.pdf, OS_ch5.pdf - as well as all the material covered in the lectures up to and including the Tuesday February 13, 2017 lecture. Please make sure that you have the most up-to-date version of the lecture notes.

It is possible that the Midterm Test may include true/false questions, fill in the blank questions, questions that require short answers, questions that require calculations, questions that may require the drawing of diagrams, questions that require slightly longer answers, questions that may require the writing of short programs using pseudo C code similar to that used throughout the textbook, and other possible question formats.

- Please note that, in order to make sure that everyone in the class gets exactly the same information regarding the midterm and final exam, the instructor will not answer individual e-mail questions regarding what will be on and what will not be on the midterm and final exam, because that would not be fair to those students who do not receive such information. - If you have any questions related to the midterm or final exam, please ask such questions during the lectures.

Please note that course component marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to, then typing the following command:

courseInfo 3221 2017-18 W

February 13, 2018

Please note that practice questions for the EECS 3221 Winter 2018 Midterm Test have been posted in the course directory on red in the file /cs/course/3221/3221_midterm_practice_questions_W18.pdf

February 15, 2018

Please note that, if a student does not attend the EECS 3221 Winter 2018 Midterm Test but is able to provide valid reasons and submit valid official supporting evidence such as a doctor's note which specifically states that the student's medical condition makes it impossible for the student to take the EECS 3221 Winter 2018 Midterm Test, then the original percentage (35%) of the EECS 3221 Winter 2018 Midterm Test in the final course grade, will be added to the original percentage (50%) of the EECS 3221 Winter 2018 Final Exam in the final course grade. This means that, for any student who does not attend the EECS 3221 Winter 2018 Midterm Test but is able to provide valid reasons and submit valid official supporting evidence, the resulting new percentage of their EECS 3221 Winter 2018 Final Exam in the final course grade will be eighty five percent (35% + 50%) = 85%.

Students who miss the EECS 3221 Winter 2018 Midterm Test without valid reasons with valid official supporting evidence, will receive a mark of zero for the EECS 3221 Winter 2018 Midterm Test.

February 26, 2018

(Please also see the January 30, 2018 Course Announcement.)

Please note that the due date of EECS 3221 Assignment 2 is Tuesday February 27, 6:30 p.m.

Please also note that this due date will not be extended: not handing in the EECS 3221 Assignment 2 on or before the due date of Tuesday February 27, 6:30 p.m. will result in an 'F' grade for EECS 3221 Assignment 2, which is worth five percent (5%) of the EECS 3221 course grade.

Repeat of Important Warning:

Only submitting an electronic copy of your assignment is not enough! If you fail to submit a hard copy of your assignment on or before the due date of Tuesday February 27, 6:30 p.m., your assignment will receive a grade of ‘F’ regardless of whether an electronic copy was submitted.

March 1, 2018

EECS 3221 Assignment 3 has been posted in the course directory /cs/course/3221/3221assgn3_W18.pdf

Please make sure you have the most up-to-date version of EECS 3221 Assignment 3.

The due date of EECS 3221 Assignment 3 is Thursday April 5, 23:59.

Each group is required to hand in both a hard copy and an electronic copy of the following:

1. A written report that identifies and addresses all the important aspects and issues in the design and implementation of the programs for the problem described above.

2. The C source programs.

3. A “Test_output” file containing the output of any testing your group has done.

4. A “makefile” file to make it easier for the marker to compile and run your group’s program.

5. A “README” file explaining how to compile and run your group’s program.

Each group is required to use the utility “submit” to submit the electronic version of the above 5 files plus the “errors.h” file to the course directory /cs/course/3221/submit/a3 (The file “errors.h” should be included among the files submitted so that the marker can test whether your group’s programs can compile and run correctly or not.)

Important Warning:

Only submitting an electronic copy of your assignment is not enough! If you fail to submit a hard copy of your assignment on or before the due date, your assignment will receive a grade of ‘F’, regardless of whether an electronic copy of the assignment was submitted or not.

Evaluation of the Assignment

1. The report part of your assignment (50%) will be evaluated according to:

(a) Whether all important design and implementation aspects and issues of your programs related to the problem above have been identified and appropriately addressed.

(b) How well you have justified your design decisions.

© The quality of your design.

(d) How well you have designed and explained the testing.

(e) The clarity, and readability of the report.

2. The program and testing part of your assignment (50%) will be evaluated according to:

(a) The quality of the design and implementation of your programs.

(b) The quality of the testing of your programs.

© Whether your programs satisfy the Additional Requirements in section C above.


Please note that the requirements specified in section A. Description of the Assignment above, are the minimum requirements that must be satisfied by your program. Obviously, there are many other possible details of the alarm system that have been left unspecified. It is your responsibility to make appropriate design and implementation choices concerning the unspecified details of the alarm system, and justify those decisions in your report.

Please also note that the due date of this assignment, Thursday April 5, 2018, 23:59 falls on the Last Day to Hand In Term Work according to the University Regulations. Thus it will not be possible to postpone the due date of this assignment. So please plan carefully in advance in order to make sure that you will be able to complete this assignment before the posted due date.

March 3, 2018

York University has announced that:

York University will remain open during the strike. Classes that can be held, will be held.

The Lassonde School of Engineering has also announced that:

We expect that all classes taught by YUFA faculty are to be offered as scheduled.

Hence EECS 3221 Winter 2018 classes will be offered as scheduled.

March 9, 2018

1. Please note that the EECS 3221 Winter 2018 Midterm Test marks are available and can be accessed by logging in to, then typing the following command:

courseInfo 3221 2017-18 W

2. The solutions for the EECS 3221 Winter 2018 Midterm Test are posted in the course directory:



3. To request remarking of the EECS 3221 Winter 2018 Midterm Test, you must complete the form in the course directory:


Please also note that:

(a) Test papers written in pencil cannot be remarked;

(b) When a test /assignment is submitted for re-marking, all the answers in the the test/assignment will be re-marked.

(c ) As a result of re-marking a test /assignment, the final mark for the test/assignment may be either higher than, or equal to, or lower than the mark originally given to the test/assignment.

March 25, 2018

The EECS 3221 Assignment 3 specification document in the course directory /cs/course/3221/3221assgn3_W18.pdf has been updated to correct a typo in item A.3.3.4.

April 2, 2018

The EECS 3221 section Z Final Exam will be held on:

Date: Tuesday, April 10, 2018, 9:00 AM;

Location: TC AVIVA.

The Final Exam will cover the following:

a) Chapters 1-6, Chapters 8-9, Chapter 11, and pages 543-561 (Sections 12.1-12.4.4) of Chapter 12 of the textbook “Operating System Concepts” 9th Edition.

b) The slides in OS-ch1.pdf, OS-ch2.pdf, OS-ch3.pdf, OS-ch4.pdf, OS-ch5.pdf, OS-ch6.pdf, OS-ch8.pdf, OS-ch9.pdf, OS-ch11.pdf, and the slides OS-ch12.1 to OS-ch12.22 in OS-ch12.pdf, as well as all the material covered in all the lectures up to and including the Tuesday April 3, 2018 lecture. Please make sure that you have the most up-to-date version of the lecture notes.

It is possible that the Final Exam may include true/false questions, fill in the blank questions, questions that require short answers, questions that require calculations, questions that may require the drawing of diagrams, questions that require slightly longer answers, questions that may require the writing of short programs using pseudo C code similar to that used throughout the textbook, and other possible question formats.

- Please note that, in order to make sure that everyone in the class gets exactly the same information regarding the midterm and final exam, the instructor will not answer individual e-mail questions regarding what will be on and what will not be on the midterm and final exam, because that would not be fair to those students who do not receive such information. - If you have any questions related to the final exam, please ask such questions during the lectures.

Please note that course component marks, including the final exam marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to, then typing the following command:

courseInfo 3221 2017-18 W

April 3, 2018

A dropbox for EECS 3221 Assignment 1 and Assignment 3 has been set up on the first floor of Lassonde Building close to the EECS Department Office.

May 2, 2018

Please note that course component marks, including the final exam marks, for students who have participated in those components of the course, can be accessed by logging in to, then typing the following command:

courseInfo 3221 2017-18 W

July 23, 2018 (Regarding EECS 3221 W18 Remediation)

1. According to the latest official information available from the York University Administration and the Lassonde School of Engineering (, the formal remediation period takes place July 23 – August 20 with deferred exams starting August 22, 2018 (even though the CUPE 3903 Strike still has not ended).

2. In accordance with the latest official information available from the York University Administration and the Lassonde School of Engineering, the EECS 3221 W18 Deferred Exam (for students who did not take part in the EECS 3221 W18 original Final Exam that was held on April 10, 2018) will be held during the deferred exams period which is between August 22 and August 31, 2018. The exact date and location for the EECS 3221 W18 Deferred Exam will be announced later.

3. The EECS 3221 W18 Deferred Exam will cover the following:

a) Chapters 1-6, Chapters 8-9, Chapter 11, and pages 543-561 (Sections 12.1-12.4.4) of Chapter 12 of the textbook “Operating System Concepts” 9th Edition.

b) The EECS 3221 W18 lecture slides in OS-ch1.pdf, OS-ch2.pdf, OS-ch3.pdf, OS-ch4.pdf, OS-ch5.pdf, OS-ch6.pdf, OS-ch8.pdf, OS-ch9.pdf, OS-ch11.pdf, and the slides OS-ch12.1 to OS-ch12.22 in OS-ch12.pdf.

(The EECS 3221 W18 lecture slides are posted in the EECS 3221 W18 course directory on red: /eecs/dept/course/2017-18/W/3221)

It is possible that the EECS 3221 W18 Deferred Exam may include true/false questions, fill in the blank questions, questions that require short answers, questions that require calculations, questions that may require the drawing of diagrams, questions that require slightly longer answers, questions that may require the writing of short programs using pseudo C code similar to that used throughout the textbook, and other possible question formats.

- Please note that, in order to make sure that everyone in the class gets exactly the same information for the EECS 3221 W18 original Final Exam that was held on April 10, 2018 and for the EECS 3221 Deferred Exam to be held in August 2018, individual e-mail questions regarding what will be on and what will not be on the EECS 3221 Deferred Exam will not be answered - please refer to (a) and (b) above.

Please note that course component marks, including the EECS 3221 W18 Deferred Exam marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to, then typing the following command:

courseInfo 3221 2017-18 W

4. Please note that Jia Xu is currently away from York on sabbatical leave during the period from July 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018, and will not be available during this period of time.

5. The TA for EECS 3221 W18, Navid Mohaghegh, will hold Office Hours before the EECS 3221 W18 Deferred Exam, on Monday August 20, 2018, 18:30-20:00 at FRQ 106.

6. Students who did not hand in assignments a1 and a3 must hand in assignments a1 and a3 during the Office hours for EECS 3221 W18 that will be held on Monday August 20, 2018, 18:30-20:00 at FRQ 106.

7. Students can defer course assessments (assignments, exams) to another time after the formal remediation period. There will be an online form for W and Y term course deferrals. The last day to submit a request for deferral will be August 31. For more details, please see

8. For general remediation related questions please refer to

9. For EECS 3221 W18 remediation related information, including the exact date and location for the EECS 3221 W18 Deferred Exam, please regularly check for information that will be posted on the Announcements section of the EECS 3221 W18 course website at:

August 2, 2018

Here are answers to some FAQ regarding EECS 3221 W18 remediation:

1. If I did not attend the EECS 3221 W18 final exam on April 10, 2018, can I opt for an assessed grade?

ANSWER: No. Please see

“If I have a final worth 50 percent, will I be eligible for re-weighting of my assignments?

No. Re-weighting of assignments is only an option for courses where 60 percent of the coursework has been completed prior to the last day of classes (for courses that continued during the disruption).”

2. What should I do if I cannot attend the EECS 3221 Deferred Exam which will be held in August 2018?

ANSWER: Students can defer course assessments (assignments, exams) to another time after the formal remediation period. The last day to submit a request for deferral is August 31. You may directly go ahead (there is no need to contact the course instructor) and submit a request for deferral by following the instructions given on the website and completing the remediation-specific on-line form by August 31

For more details, please see

August 7, 2018

Please note that, prior to the EECS3221 W18 deferred exam, remediation review sessions and office hours will be held on the following dates and times:

1. A first 3 hour review session will be held on Monday August 13th 19:00-22:00. Location : SC 205.

2. A second 3 hour review session will be held on Wednesday August 15th 19:00-22:00. Location: SC 205.

3. In addition, office hours will be held on Monday August 20th 18:30-20:00. Location FRQ 106.

August 9, 2018

The EECS Undergraduate Office has just announced that the EECS 3221 W18 Deferred (Remediation) Exam will be held on Friday, 24 August 2018, 14:00-17:00, location: DB 0015.

August 17, 2018

Here are answers to some FAQ regarding EECS 3221 W18 students who have written the EECS 3221 W18 final exam and who received a course grade for EECS 3221 W18:

1. Does the final course grade for EECS 3221 W18 take into account the weight and mark for Assignment 3?


2. I previously did not hand in Assignment 3. What is the remediation deadline for handing in Assignment 3?

ANSWER: Please see item 6 of the course Announcement dated July 23 above

“6. Students who did not hand in assignments a1 and a3 must hand in assignments a1 and a3 during the Office hours for EECS 3221 W18 that will be held on Monday August 20, 2018, 18:30-20:00 at FRQ 106.”

3. Are marked EECS 3221 final exam papers available for viewing?

ANSWER: No. Because there are EECS 3221 W18 students who have not yet taken the EECS 3221 W18 deferred final exam.

August 23, 2018


A final course grade of 'F' will be submitted to the York University Registrar's Office for all EECS 3221 W18 students who:

(a) did not attend the April 10, 2018 EECS 3221 W18 Final Exam and

(b) do not attend the EECS W18 Remediation Final Exam on Friday, 24 August 2018, 14:00-17:00, location: DB 0015 and

(c ) do not submit an online request on or before August 31, 2018 to defer the August 24, 2018 EECS W18 Remediation Final Exam by following the instructions at

September 1, 2018

The EECS 3221 W18 Deferred Remediation Final Exam will be held on:

Wednesday, October 10, 2018, 14:00-17:00

Location: TBA

(Note that October 10, 2018 is during the Fall 2018 Reading Week period.)

The EECS 3221 W18 Deferred Remediation Final Exam will cover the following:

a) Chapters 1-6, Chapters 8-9, Chapter 11, and pages 543-561 (Sections 12.1-12.4.4) of Chapter 12 of the textbook “Operating System Concepts” 9th Edition.

b) The EECS 3221 W18 lecture slides in OS-ch1.pdf, OS-ch2.pdf, OS-ch3.pdf, OS-ch4.pdf, OS-ch5.pdf, OS-ch6.pdf, OS-ch8.pdf, OS-ch9.pdf, OS-ch11.pdf, and the slides OS-ch12.1 to OS-ch12.22 in OS-ch12.pdf.

(The EECS 3221 W18 lecture slides are posted in the EECS 3221 W18 course directory on red: /eecs/dept/course/2017-18/W/3221)

It is possible that the EECS 3221 W18 Deferred Remediation Final Exam may include true/false questions, fill in the blank questions, questions that require short answers, questions that require calculations, questions that may require the drawing of diagrams, questions that require slightly longer answers, questions that may require the writing of short programs using pseudo C code similar to that used throughout the textbook, and other possible question formats.

- Please note that, in order to make sure that everyone in the class gets exactly the same information for the EECS 3221 W18 original Final Exam that was held on April 10, 2018 and for the EECS 3221 Remediation Exam that was held on August 24, 2018, individual e-mail questions regarding what will be on and what will not be on the EECS 3221 Deferred Remediation Final Exam will not be answered - please refer to (a) and (b) above.

Please note that course component marks, including the EECS 3221 W18 Deferred Remediation Final Exam marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to, then typing the following command:

courseInfo 3221 2017-18 W

Please note that Jia Xu is currently away from York on sabbatical leave during the period from July 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018, and will not be available during this period of time.

September 13, 2018

Please note that the due date for handing in any deferred EECS 3221 W18 assignments is:

Wednesday, October 10, 2018, 14:00-17:00

Location: TBA

You may hand in the hard copies of any deferred EECS 3221 W18 assignments to the invigilator of the EECS 3221 W18 Deferred Final Exam.

Note that you still need to use the utility “submit” to submit electronic copies of any deferred EECS 3221 W18 assignments to the EECS 3221 W18 course directory on red at /eecs/dept/course/2017-18/W/3221/submit

whats_new.1536889241.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/14 01:40 by jxu

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