====== Resources ====== Use this page to list additional Resources that may be helpful to your students. * [[http://www.cse.yorku.ca|Department of CSE Home Page]] * [[https://w2prod.sis.yorku.ca/Apps/WebObjects/cdm.woa/wa/curexam|York Exam Schedule]] The SEL Virtual Machine is available [[http://dl.eecs.yorku.ca/sel/eecs-vbox-sel-latest.ova|here]]. For further help, see [[protected:vm:|here]] (login for the password to access the VM). For more help on the course, see * [[https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/~jackie/teaching/lectures/index.html#EECS3311_F17|Fall 2017 version of the course]] with slides and recordings * [[http://seldoc.eecs.yorku.ca/doku.php/eiffel/start|eiffel.eecs.yorku.ca]] (Eiffel the language, the method and the IDE) **Textbooks**: the following texts are recommended and are available on reserve in the Library: * Bertrand Meyer, //Touch of Class: Learning how to Program Well, with Objects and Contracts//, Springer Verlag, revised printing, 2013, book page [[http://touch.ethz.ch/|here]] (this is a complete course with slides, videos and exercises). The text //Touch of Class// is available with online access via Steacie Library. The book describes computational thinking with the Eiffel language. Use this text to learn about **design by contract**, polymorphism, static typing, dynamic binding, genericity, multiple inheritance, and lambda expressions (agents). These are all topics needed for this course. * [**OOSC2**] Bertrand Meyer. //Object-Oriented Software Construction//. Second edition. Prentice Hall, 1997. This is a classic text on software design principles. * //Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software//, 1994, by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides * [[https://wiki.eecs.yorku.ca/project/eiffel/bon:|BON]] (Business Object Notation). The BON method for analysis and design of object-oriented software is a means of extending the higher-level concepts of the Eiffel programming language into the realm of analysis and design aided by a graphical notation akin to but different from UML. BON is described in depth in the book //Seamless Object-Oriented Software Architecture//, Prentice Hall 1994, by Kim Waldén and Jean-Marc Nerson. The book is out of print but is available as a [[http://www.bon-method.com/book_print_a4.pdf|pdf]]. There is a template in Visio to do nice BON diagrams.