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Jonathan Ostroff (EECS email: jonathan).

Office Hours: Every Monday 5.30pm to 6.30pm (LAS2045 or LAS2056)

Bil Tzerpos (EECS email: bil)

Office Hours: Every Tuesday 10:00 to 11:00 in LAS 1003C (the room in the back of the EECS Common Room)

Software Technician

Daman Chhina (EECS email: daman97) in office LAS2015. You may consult Daman in his office hours at the following times for Labs, feedback on Labs/Quizzes, and the Project.

Monday 09.30 to 11.30 (2 hours, office hours & forum)

Wednesday 10.30 to 13.00 (2.5 hours, office hours & forum)

Thursday 10.00 to 11.00 (1 hour, office hours & forum)


  • 11.30 to 13.15 (1.75 hours, office hours, forum)
  • 14.30 to 16.15 (1.75 hours, office hours, forum)

Weekly Scheduled Labs

You can also ask for help during the weekly Lab, every Thursday: 1pm to 4pm in LAS1006

Teaching Assistants

  • Watcharawittayakul, Sedtawut (EECS email: watchara)
  • Bolshakov, Konstantin (kbolsh)
  • Chen, Yueting (ytchen)
  • Masoumzadeh-Tork, Abbas (abbasmz)
  • Abrishamkar, Sadra (sadrayan)
  • Hovhannes Khachikyan (hovokhc)
contact.1516237508.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/18 01:05 by bil